Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

But the MLU 2 isn’t on the dev server Smin said it was planned for the future

Think he was just listing the models in service with the Fins

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but there are other ways to make them unique from another, outside of screwing over future US hornet survivability

Not like gaijin didn’t just screw the Fins over but whatever. More than likely what will happen is the MLU will be the same BR as the F18E or the C model with AESA.

thats even worse tbh. hugley better survivability for hugley better awarness and ability to employ AMRAAM effectively. ideal would be MLU 2 .3 below US AESA hornet (.7 if decompression), both with BOL

Unlikely, gaijin would be more likely to make them the same br because Finnish tax lmao. I don’t think they keep BOL from US vehicles but given the bug reports for them it seems that trial tests with them are not sufficient to add them to the US especially when the US players are using Finnish Sources for the MLU 2 to try and pad out their bug report.

F-15 have used it in service. i dont see it ingame

all 3 should be able to use it iirc

In service current info for the US hornets is not service based. Rather tests. Which is why i think they won’t add BOL for the time is so they can use their logic of sufficient differences. Smin deletes my posts when i bring it up but in the past 1 missiles is apparently the sufficient changes he talks about that warrants 400k rp sink but maybe thats just a swedish thing.

Meaningful difference on launch being 1 missile lmao

So im inclined to say maybe gaijin is artificially holding the hornets back so that the Finnish MLU 2 is actually decent (unlikely since the current 1994 at 14.0 same BR as the 2006 lmao.)

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AESA radar is a big enough difference imo. could also have different TGP maybe? and cockpit would differ.

idk if Finland has LJDAM but if not, that too, as well as GBU-53 and AGM-154C

MLU has the same radar as the 1994, no changes so again idk why you’re bringing up the US hornet.

thought you meant sufficient difference between MLU 2 and F/A-18C+, not pre-MLU vs MLU 2, my bad

No, if you read you would’ve known im.using Smins own words when comparing the Gripens. The A model vs the C on launch was 1 missile.

The Finnish F-18C vs MLU 2 will likely just be BOL and A2G while being 14.3 or 14.7 with US F-18E or F-18C+ at the same BR. This is more than likely how it will go.

How many variants does Finland has as I only knew one and now therw could be three for the tree

misread this then ig.

i just dont see the C+ being same BR as MLU 2 though. surely a .3 difference

they have 3 that i know of

pre-MLU, MLU 1, and MLU 2

Pre MLU 1 (1994)
MLU 1 added radios, IFF, HMD, 9X compatibility (new cockpit)
MLU 2 same as MLU 1 but with A2G restored and with BOL (Saab 500 CM pod) and AIM 120 C-7

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how is finland of all countries getting missile that officially hasnt entered service yet?

So in reality Smin confirmed at some point we could see all three then

My bad lmao i couldn’t remember

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didnt he say only one was planned?