Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

One planned and another in suggestion

maybe MLU 1 high tier squadron for Sweden?


No, he basically stated they are going to skip the MLU 1 because its too similar to the US current F-18C

So we’re only getting MLU 2

The early aircraft pre-order pack rank 9 for sweden tech tree 2 or 3 years after open rank 9, my guess.

AIM-9X (Block I) (if gaijin ready) and AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM

Personally, BR 14.7

last week gaijin said plan F/A-18C MLU 2 after this major update

I predict that F/A-18C late from dev server mix 2006 ~ Q2 2014

Unlikely, its too compressed to be added and he basically denied it cause its too similar to the US 14.0 hornet for A2A

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is it because of LJDAM?

Sweden already got a rank 7 or 8 premium, its would be about 2 more years before we get another and sweden doesn’t have enough aircraft to spare for top tier for premiums or squadron

quite silly on Gaijin part, but ok

If that’s true then that doesn’t make sense since we had a wave of C&P P-51C’s like three iirc.
Though saying that I could see the MLU 1 being premium, even for squad.

Gotta appeal to the nation that brings in money. I assume they dont want a repeat of the 229 problem.

Where would it go? Same BR as the TT model? Additionally he stated adding MLU 1 would take away the uniqueness of aircraft from another tree which is why they chose to add the 1994 model and the US 2006 model.

Could you find me that quote, as that some level of ego for the US right there

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would it really -229 level though? that is a very extreme case.

Cant Smin deleted his posts and many of my own from that forum because if you read it. Its basically a sharks pool

Theres a few where you see us reply to him and it leads nowhere. Again he had to delete stuff because it made him/gaijin look bad or led down rabbit holes.


we still deserve unique aircraft. but not like this, no real CAS armament is pretty big difference by itself

Too late monkeys paw effect. The US complained about the F15I and so now gaijin may be looking at essentially holding back everyone else instead of just making them on par. Its just a poor decision all around. Already told people if you want a good Finnish F-18 just go download a skin on the live and play the US models.

Just adding these for other wondering about the next planned Hornet.


they never shouldve added the F-15I. half the current issues with top tier can be traced to it

Well since I haven’t seen them you will have to understand why I won’t comment on that part.
But saying that imho all variants should be added tho it would be like missing some variants of the Spitfire.

I mean 139 people isn’t the most but thats not a small amount and considering the nordic TT has a very small amount of people who actively talk about it id consider our opinion should hold some right to at least make the devs reconsider.

i voted yes on that though. so i think solid portion might not be sweden player and just agree.