Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

What about the jet : P

We made the jet so all jet powered things to the UK

thats fine lol, the Tornado in game can use the ASRAAM and the EFTS can use ASRAAM and IRIST, pretty sure they can use Meteor as well so if anything you would just be screwing over the US even more but im fine with that lol


i guess. but still, tested armaments are fair game (once game is ready for them ofc)

Well. Kinda. I mean we also invented the radar so everything with a radar goes to Britain.


I agree with this statement I’ll be honest. British M41 when Gaijin?

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We also showed the US how to land the corsair on carriers

tested armaments on existing jet (in future) are not the same as a whole tested vehicle

then hope your ready for AIM-260s across every F35, and before you say β€œI wanna see another nation use it” I will kindly point you to the gripens that all share the exact same loadouts even tho multiple of their weapons arent used by said host nation

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stll waiting for the Washington B.1


thats a fair ask.

I mean, from what I understand, the pre-IMP would be ideal as TT out of all of them, over any of the AMRAAM ones upgrades.

According to Brits like Morvran_ at least.


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F-15J and F-15 Baz have different missiles than US ones though. so why wouldnt it be like that?

Oh yess the Nukes, did we also help with the Manhattan project too ?


I mean it’s just Python 3 and 4 over 9M. Nothing really to write home about.

radar was first done by Germany no?

and Manhattan project still done by USA

Joint effort actually, not purely US, and no the radar was a thing used by Britain pre ww2


wouldnt matter lol they have shown they are willing to give weapons to planes that never had them for balance

ok. and this is ASRAAM and late block 9X. nothing really to write home about