I’m sure many intelligent conversations were had above this statement. However just for the sake of things I pose a good question. With the Finnish hornet not getting JHMCS or the MLU-2 version is there a high chance that the CF-188 IMP I comes along with a pre-IMP and IMP II? Furthermore should they be given “naval aircraft” status? Also what’s a good placement for them? As a premium to replace the F-4J(UK) or a squadron or before/after the FA.2?
THIS IS THE POINT WE MEAN show us a Yankee plane firing ASRAAM
here you go
And that is a… test, show us an in service one carrying it
Well he’s got you there.
irrelevant to addition
If its irrelevant who made the missile, i dont think it was America, so bye bye argument
ok, lets remove amraam from every non-US jet
and AIM-9s
Ok I’m in !
I second this. British missiles will sweep the floor of every nation.
Hey nice knockoff l7xyou have on those abrams and m60s, sure would be a shame
we make the M68 guns though. and the M256 does differ from standard L/44
We made the tank concept as a whole so there
Yeah which was derived from the L7. It’s just got a shorter breech preventing it from using large propellant sizes
we made wright flyer so there
M68 is still an l7, sorry, but if you’re gonna be that picky about it it applies too
but AIM-120’s are made in the USA? same with sidewinders. while M68 only shares gun tube with L7
sure. lets remove merlin engines from your P51 while were at it
All aircraft move to America and all Tanks move to Britain. And all Navy goes to Britain.
For powered flight, hot air ballons was way before this