I didn’t know Inverness was in Germany
wasnt first radar system made in Germany in 1904?
Huh? You were saying about Israeli jets. What’s this now?
Israeli jets get 9M and Python 3. so why cant US F-35B get 9X and ASRAAM?
nope chain home was the first comprehensive radar system and was built by the UK
eh sounds like goalpost shifting to me. thought we were going for earliest no?
And what exactly would a radar practically be used for in 1904, detecting hot air balloons?
I guess Robert Watson-Watt didn’t exist, poor fellow.
detecting ships
give me a lobotomy please
quite clearly a US F-35B firing an ASRAAM
Quite clearly a mere test, if youre so for tests with US only why aren’t you for other nations? Does make one wonder
well what weapons has UK tested on their jets and helicopters?
the Chain home was the first practical radar, its like how HMS Hermes wasnt the first aircraft carrier technically, but she was the first aircraft carrier designed from the get go as one
give me a lobotomy
AIM-260 does exist, its been tested, but ofc public doesnt really know anything about it. so unless more information is released between now and F-35 addition, they might just give it Meteor.
we are going to put meteor on F-35A too for italy right?
Me when I lie
With how small the maps are I don’t see what’s wrong with aim120d’s on the f35.
Supposedly has been tested, thing was meant to have be in in production last year. Only concept art so far…