Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

what do u mean british version? USMC uses F-35B

the only F35Bs that are actually equipped with ASRAAM are the British ones as no one else uses the missile

unless you wanna give AIM-260 to every F35

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sure looks like its being used by this USMC F-35B

if you can find me an RAF F-35 firing AIM-260 then sure

do the US actually own and use the ASRAAM? last I checked they dont, this is most likely how the brimstones that are meant for british AH-64Es were tested on US ones

crazy I look it up only official current operators are the UK, India and Ukraine

the missile isnt american. america has absolutley zero claim to it other than its used on American built planes not in US control

"MBDA is currently under contract, awarded in 2016, to produce the highly capable infra-red (IR) guided air-to-air missile for the UK’s F-35s. ASRAAM’s large rocket motor and clean aerodynamic design gives it a high kinematic capability that delivers superior end-game performance compared with other countries’ in-service IR missiles.

The trials were conducted by the integrated test teams at Patuxent and Edwards, which include Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems, MBDA and Northrop Grumman.

The development trials work is being conducted under the integration program for ASRAAM onto the UK’s F-35 aircraft. This effort is currently progressing to plan and these integration activities will allow the Initial Operating Capability of the aircraft by the UK."

its for British F35Bs not the USMC they just used USMC F35s as they are in the US


thats tested armament. and being in full service has never been a reqiurement

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my god your really that desperate for something better then the 9X huh

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either youre actually this dense or you are beyond desperate for something better than 9x, a year before it gets added

What I’m currently witnessing

also by that definition since every F35 can use the AIM-260 so I guess every F35 in game will have them lol

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Just stop you aren’t going to convince him

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Funny thing is, I don’t recall WT being anywhere near F-35s, ASRAAMs, AIM-260s, etc yet

oh yeah I know lol, im sure in the future we will see US players begging for any of the 5th gen IR missiles since they are pretty much all better then the 9X

at the rate we are going im gonna guess start of next year at least for 5th gen IR missiles lol

unless gaijin go for a wacky thing like ground launched ASRAAMs or I-RIST



if you can show me other country F-35 launching them sure

If you can show us any other country actually using them in active service and not testing them sure


us brits dont want that half baked trash. we have a better missiles that he’s claiming is his