Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

To be fair, the only thing they have been fighting in recent times were balloons

They manage to get some decent range out of the aim120s but yes aim120 has been behind Meteor for a while now. I’m curious to see the numbers on aim260 though.

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they are talking about making an even more extended range AIM-120 lol

AIM-26A when?

When they get back to creating campaigns and other such mission content


so never

but its an early a2a missile

You can get your Falcon, but not the nuclear Falcon

not even a kiloton so not even all that OP

measly 250t

Actually, you can get your AIM-26 in form of the AIM-26B, though I don’t know if the US even used these themselves.
Switzerland and Sweden did tho as the HM-55 on the Mirage IIIS and the Rb 27 on certain Drakens respectively.

pretty sure we at least made/tested them if everyone else used a renamed version of them.

i would like YF-12 with AIM-47 and MiG-25 with R-40 for USA and USSR for earlyish missile interceptors. and the testbed B-58 with the AN/ASG-18 radar and AIM-47

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Perhaps on the F-106, as that used the later Falcons.

About the AIM-47 and R-40, not seeing that happen at all. Closest thing I could see being added are the Tu-128 with R-4s and the Yak-28P with R-8s

wasnt it F-102 that first got AIM-26? makes sense i guess since 106 is a development.

but why not AIM-47 and R-40?

Because their launch platforms are not fit for WT gameplay at all

didnt they say something about MiG-25 on russian dev stream?

They say lots of things on the russian dev stream lol

If stuff like the MiG-25 gets added it most likely is for special modes. Would be a very fitting enemy for the strategic bombing mode.

MiG-25 and YF-12 could still be playable in Air RB though.

At what BR? On what maps?
Have you seen what F-104s do in 9.3 matches? Planes that can outspeed everything else but can’t really turn only exist in two states: Useless or toxic beyond believe.

They are AI and special mission material, nothing else

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not ever used on F16 and only on British F35 as yanks never used ASRAAM.

it’d’ve been on an Australian ordered F18 as they received F18s long before the ASRAAM was developed


tested on USMC F-35 at US base iirc

F-16 also test fired it no?

its a british missile, on the british version, the US realistically wont get it as they dont own the missile