Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Fair lol

Anyways, I’m looking at the listed source for the photographs on the wayback machine right now and there sadly are no pics :(

Guess I did learn something from this though, the SRAAM is not the Taildog, but rather a younger relative of the Taildog

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Wingtip pylons??
Sign me up!!

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Unironically shouldve been the eastern EF counterpart in WT

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In an alternate universe where WT exists and contains vehicles like the EAP maybe lol

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I sure hope so.
All these amazing projects just being restricted by gaijins’ “standards”…

You are the one neo.

I want the fugly Fo.147 lmao

look upon the jank and weep

I can’t decide if I’d rather have the Fo.147 or Fo.148

The 147 has really dumb looking canards lmao, so that one

Yeah, guess you’re right, the more cursed one has to win

The whole Taildog / SRAAM family gets more and more complicated the more you look into it. There are so many different names, variants, and proposals.

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I can imagine lol, Britains missiles all seem to have very complicated, but still interesting histories

We can get ASRAAM on F-16 and F-35. And iirc there was USN involvement in Australia F/A-18 ASRAAM integration so if a US hornet was used to test we could get it on that even

Aim9x is getting its blk3 upgrade finally the navy decided to pursue it after it was canceled in 2016. The blk3 upgrades consist of a 6th-generation seeker and a new motor for more range and to accelerate faster than the blk 2. So aim9x might not be the weakest anymore.

AIM-9Z when?

Problem is Blk 3 AIM-9X Will be competing with Block 6 ASRAAM (and IIRC a Block 2 IRIS-T has been announced).


Hopefully peregrine missile goes somewhere

Man, screw all these modern missiles, where are the ultra early ones?

Ruhrstahl X-4
AAM-A-1 Firebird
K-5 (AA-1 Alkali)


Who knows honestly it still could be worse or it could be on a similar level but this upgrade needed to happen to bring aim9x up to par it was falling behind a bit.

US has been for a while. Meteor has been kicking Aim-120Ds butt for years