not by to much though Like aam3 and 9m
Id say likley on the slightly better side as its proven itself in some more ridiculous ways so far
if a 9m can even compete it would be the worst modelled thing in the game by an insane amount. Even with gaijins tendency to gimp British kit that would be really extreme
No, but a core tenant of the ASRAAM was to be able to outstick basically anything and hit the target before they could fire. Everything else is irrelevant if the target cant get into range to use their own wepaons.
Germans disagreed with this philosophy which is why they left hte program to develop IRIS-T which basically takes the opposite approach.
But whilst 50km is under certain conditions, all reported missile ranges are the same.
IRIS-T is reported to have a max range of 25km, but I doubt you would want to fire one past about 10km usually
You’re not missing much by not reading lol
no no i meant 9m and AAM3 the AAM3 being slightly better at range it was a example
as far as i know aim9X pulls roughly 60Gs while asraam only pulls 50G but gets extra range so id say its a trade off
The difference between 9M and AAM-3 would be bigger if AAM-3s were modelled realistically lol
to be fair where on early blocks of 9m
TYPO it was a typo
I mean they didn’t want PIRATE on their eurofighters and have made so so many stupid decisions in the last few decades this doesn’t surprise me at all that they disagreed with doing BVR
what is pirate ?
We don’t know which block of 9M we are on, but even the later blocks of 9Ms aren’t much better than what we currently have.
The way Gaijin generalizes missile performance doesn’t really allow for the real differences between missiles and their variants.
i think where on aim9m-4
There is no way to tell if we have AIM-9M-1, 2, 3 or 4. They are virtually identical for the purposes of WT
Its the hook that allows the Typhoon to steal all the treasure
im praying we get dual plane manuverbility modleled
Its the IRST system on the Typhoon
from what ive heard im not hundreed percent certain
That would be a meaningful buff for a lot of missiles, and ASRAAM is also a dual plane missile iirc, so would definetly want it for that.