Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

i just want my aim54 to do its job

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Again, there is no way to differentiate them. They only differ in ways that are not modelled ingame and most likely couldn’t be modelled even if Gaijin wanted to.

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PIRATE is the irst (FLIR) system on the Eurofighter. its an IR camera which searches for aircraft just like a radar but because its heat seeking and doesn’t fire any radiation will not trigger a RWR making it impossible to detect the use of.

how its integrated on non german eurofighters means that you can fire all your missiles (yes including FOX-3) without triggering RWRs at all. they wont know until its too late.

Germany thought this was a silly idea and didn’t install it on their fleet.

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Love me some Seek and Destroy, but why are you replying to me lol

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My fault wrong context

tomcats had that it was cool gaijin wont model it

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Not all Tomcats had that and the ones we have ingame didn’t have IRST

some early A models did

Yes, some. Not all.

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big sad should add it to the early A model then add a late A model

A models did have IRST

a very primitive version of it which wouldn’t have any major merit in WT, would also need another tomcat to be added as the in game ones didn’t have it. PIRATE is far newer and has full data fusion. Its ridiculously good and can track several targets without breaking a sweat

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i think dual plane should be added we probably need a suggetion or something as i put bug report in and it was shot down

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be fun plus late a Models could get upgraded engines

Im hoping its not come because they are planning a wider overhaul.

TVC missiles are still buggy as hell.

IR signatures are attrociously modeled.

And you have things like Dual plane not modeled.


Lots of mechanics need overhauled cuz some of them are just silly

Thats DDM-NG, Rafale’s MAWS.


yo did any of my suggestions ever go through
? guns only top tier etc

Yeah there are.

And even those that work “fine” feel horribly outdated. Like CCRP or Ripple mode/Bomb series

Would also be cool to get mechanics like more advanced navigation queues in the HUD.

I think its also time for a new UI, or at the very least, customisation options


late models with aim 120 would be quite the aircraft. however it would be kicked the hell out of by harrier FA2, tornado and gripens

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