Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Might be after this update.

(though the Taildogs still need fixing)

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taildog for harrier too. thats the platform I REALLY want it on because its gonna make people so so mad. “my F22 keeps getting killed by this crappy British plane from the 60s”

I think my comment bugged so ill re reply

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from that description sounds like aim-9X

We have them on the Harrier GR.1 already, it’s really not the ideal launch platform for them lol

imagine 9x but even crazier

Same basic principle, but double the range of the Aim-9X and triple (I think it is) its speed off the rails. Also give it DL.

JA37Di F21 premium meanwhile at 13.0:

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how many G does it pull is it smokless ?

50G and yes

as far as i know aim9X have like a 25 mile range max

I mean the ASRAAM of the taildogs slapped on a gr9a.

also gr1 is a great plane I’m probs gonna pick it up after the buffs to have some fun with it

ASRAAM is reported to have about 50km under ideal conditions

sounds like good compeitor

ASRAAMs and Taildogs are different things

This is a great thread for comparing them

oh i see

should note that this is not likley in 95% of firing situations

so from what im getting roughly eqaul to or a little better than 9X

what do russians get

ASRAAMs would be better than 9Xs unless Gaijin does the usual british = bad move

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