Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

more precice the Sky Guardian 200 (basicly the same as the one from the Shar FA.2) wich bouth of the Thai harriers get with the next major.

Thinking about buying the AV-8S Early now with the RWR change and the FM changes coming now.
gonna make a fairly decent CAS plane at 9.7 with the RWR, the 214 Flares/chaff and i would probably use the zunis with the rocket ccip + rearm at the heli strips.


Ah, very nice. Yes that is a very good RWR. I wonder if the Sea Harrier FRS1 (SQV) is also getting a better RWR

Id be fine with that but i do not believe Italy needs more diversity like the Patria Hitfact 2 nor thr F-18 they do not need those nor will they ever need them when domestic options are available or gaps are already filled. Cent 2 wpuld already be nice and a Spanish Model will likely arrive as a premium. I agree with your view of it unfortunately quite a few don’t agree with it in that same way.

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oh thats mega, a reason to bring the AV8S over the A. shame it never had 9G as i prefer them over the P but thats cool

T.10 for sure just too bad i wont be buying it until a sale. So far everything else has been pretty trash for all my other nations. Only 1 decent F18 is coming and so overall its pretty meh. Looking forward to the Su-30 though.

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Ah yes, AGMs that mach 2.2 is completely balanced when every other AGM goes mach .9

I can launch a brimstone from a Typhoon and outrun it lol.


T.10 WILL get its BOL before Live. Devs change of heart

ill ask again monday evening to the CM if any changes happened (but itll be dataminned before then if it does)

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Still too expensive lol.

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Wait did they really change their stance on this?

Also 4 bol or just 2 to keep it worse than the Gr.7?

They’re more GR.1s than AV-8As actually, there was a whole thing where the UK gov didn’t want to sell to spain so the US acted as a middle man, it’s rather amusing tale invovling the US converting them to be more AV-8A by swapping the ejection seats etc.

Semi relatedly I wish the Thai Sea Harrier purchase went through, would be nice to see modernised Harrier 1s

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Ah, interesting.

Honestly even with the limited bomb load I was having pretty good luck tossing 1000lbers at Gepards.
it’s great fun ngl

Im hoping the GR3 will get a Phimat Pod, giving it an extra layer of protection and reason to use it as CAS over the Buc S2 or Jag GR1

Eh I find the Harrier is harder for the Gepards and such to actually hit. Though the massive bomload is a great plus for bomb tossing.

And we still don’t have TWS either T-T

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So whats that I hear about a thai tank being worked on or something?

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I always like to analyze things, like this image. Of course I speak for myself, it’s my interpretation and it may be wrong, but it’s still worth doing the exercise.

Whenever I see the pre-orders, I think (like a snail) that: “adding these premium packages will help me sell the same vehicle at least twice in a short period of time (3 to 6 months)” why? because I sell them now, when nobody asked for them and nobody needs them, only to those crazy people and fanatics of a “certain niche” at a crazy price, without any discount. Later, I then add interesting vehicles in those tech trees and people who didn’t buy the packages in the first instance, will now buy them to speed up progress.

It may sound crazy, but I’ve seen a sustained logic about this over the last few years. Not in all vehicles, but in several of them for sure.

Judging by the photo, I’d say in the next updates:
Germany may soon receive the H-145.
Italy the Centauro II.
Japan a Thai ground line.

Again, I’m probably wrong, but at least this serves as a trigger for your own thought exercises. Cheers!


They signed the Tripartite Pact, they were technically a member of the Axis, for two days

But man like what would be a thai premium?

Looking at it that’s a healthy split there tbh and I’m saving that as my desktop back ground

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