I expected they would have inserted an F-18 Premium also to Italy, since they had given Italy the Spanish centaur then turned into Oman, I hypothesized that they would do the same with the aviation, and given a high-level premium also to Italy and in this case I expected the F-18 Premium with a Spanish flag as a premium Italian, why isn’t it? Why does Italy have no high level premium? AMX counts nothing, is a bad plane and nobody wants it
Italy has Spanish Centauro not because it’s Spanish, but because it’s Centauro.
Imao with the addition of Spanish Eurocopter to Germany I think you can pretty much forget about potential addition of Spain to the Italian TT.
Having none or very few premiums is a common condition of Italy in WT, they remove them more often than add lol
You can also count Italian squadron vehicles btw and think about Gaijin’s attitude towards this nation 😉
But because it’s spanish and another mediterranean Nation… this association is not far fetched and counts as an unspoken rule in the community nowadays (hence this post). And it is Italys ticket to the Hornet, btw. Germany can get the swiss one. So Spain should make it into Italy. Simple as.
I don’t really think italy should get an F18 unless germany gets one, italy and germany both already got a 14.0 last update so don’t really need one this update,
and the AMX may be bad, but honestly it’s better than the F104S TAF
also why would italy get a top tier premium before russia or germany??
And why shouldn’t it?
I never said it shouldn’t, but in what would would gaijin do that, it’s already surprising britan got one before germany or russia, but Italy? somebody would have to be mind controlling gaijin for that to happen
I mean Sweden has already got 13.0 premium, so everything is possible, though yeah 99% unlikely in case of Italy. Bulannikov won’t allow it personally.
oh yeah forgot about the swedish one, and honestly if italy gets a high BR premium before any italy squadron vehicle I might cry, oh wait, premium ariete…
One Italian Centauro premium doesn’t suddenly mean getting every Spanish vehicle.
I was hoping for a leaked Fiat 6614 Firos-6 as a squadron vehicle, but probably it will end up being an event one.
yeah I was too, that would’ve been great
Spain is not a subtree. Why would Italy get a Hornet from a nation that isn’t linked to them ingame outside of a vehicle that Italy exported to said nation?
iirc, Italy is the intended home for minor axis nations like Spain, so its possible. Though I think Spain+Portgual with a bit of a Latam sub-TT would make a better stand alone TT.
But Italy is definetly in need of a new high BR premium aircraft, ideally a fighter.
Spain is not a minor Axis nation, they didn’t join the Axis at any point.
They did and they didnt. They were a bit of an edge case.
Spain is not an official sub tree for Italy, which is reinforced by the Spanish Tiger HAD going to Germany.
Your so called “unspoken rule in the community” is worth nothing.
Fair, they were Axis aligned prior to WW2.
Anyways, Italy could get the MiG-21 LanceR or the MiG-29 Sniper (if that got far enough to be considered suitable for the game) as premiums through Romania
To the Italian TT, or anywhere, lmao.
EC665 coming for Germany while VRCC is (or was) on the Italian tree is the final proof that Spain will never have a place ingame as a tree, combined tree, subtree, or even subnation.
The very few of our vehicles to be implemented are destined to be scattered across different trees with no particular unified criteria.
I would hope for more Spanish vehicles to come for Germany though- maybe the Leopardo 2Es, to bring Germany on par with Sweden once and for all regarding uparmored Leopards.