Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

any comments on why they give the Su30SM 6 KH38MTs and a thermal pod on top of its 4 R-77-1s and 2 R73s? Russia was in no need for an even better CAS plane yet here we are, and nations that desperately need SPAA are still left with out a way to even fight back against this new jet


Based off of the crazy thrust-vectoring capabilities, Personally I think that is is worth it.

Not really that crazy, not after nerfs from that I hear

Unfortunately there is no “limited” fire and forget mode for Brimstone.

Regarding Mavericks, they have never been used.

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Can we just get the historically accurate Brimstone 2s on the typhoon?


Most definitely, the Su-30 might not be as nimble as an Su27sm with upgraded engines, but the new radar + R-77-1 look to be pretty competitive :)

Yes…I tested the Su30 a lot on the dev server, even after all 3 flight model changes it feels great to fight with in close with your AoA limiter shut off and the TVC…with HOBS missiles it’s one of the most dangerous jets to fight in this way…never let the Su30 close with you :/ it wont be good for you unless you have a MICA and even then you can be in trouble. Also its radar in 1 of if not the best radar in the game. Blinding fast refresh speed…basically instant contact refresh speed out to 100km and the 77-1 is a bit of a range bump up over the standard 77.

A down side though is the Su30s top speed…it’s not that great, a bit faster the the Hornet but in the same ball park…on the deck I think it was 1.19 Mach iirc I think the Hornet on the deck was 1.06 Mach. Still both are great when used to their strengths.


just limit mode 2 or 3 to at most 2 pylons which is 6 missiles, I dont see how that is unfair when they are slower, have less range and have less HE mass then the KH38MT and the Su30SM just got 6 of them

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but SU-30SM’s FM is very bad, even worse than SU-33

Basically the f35 like awareness

I mean he already explained last time that there would be no brimstone if there was no laser mode soooo.

It’s been answered and explained many times why Brimstone is superior to Kh38MT when it’s in its fire and forget mode. Brimstone in that mode has several key improvement that take it far above anything currently in game.

Brimstone 2, 3 and spear 3s all retain the same dual-mode functionality

Sigh XD lol people just have no clue yet about how crazy this jet is going to be…with the AoA limiter shut off and because of the TVC in combination with HOBS missiles after all 3 flight model changes you can still do this see below!


It sounded like you were asking to have the brimstone 2 without the current limitation.

Don’t get me wrong, this is nuts. Just questionable how often it’s actually going to be able to this sort of thing, without getting 2nd/3rd/4th partied at stall speed in the RB furball.

The skilled sim people who can actually control this are going to be nightmare fuel though lol.

If we must have SAL, then the least we can have is an AGM with better performance…

As the typhoon never used Brimstone 1s… It’s doubley important

Do you understand the balance concern we have about giving 6x Kh38MT on a highly capable fighter platform with targeting pod?

No other nation has a counterpart to this capability, or the means to counter it. S1 Pantsir is on the team that gets these missiles.

I’m not arguing for Brimstone FnF but all I’m saying is that this loadout is not suitable for the Su30SM


Atleast when it was Su25, and to a lesser extent Su33 with Kh38’s, people could make the dubious ‘just spawn CAP to counter it’ argument.

But now… This thing is going to be every bit as scary, if not more so than whatever fighter comes up to stop it. The fact they will be able to spawn this and Su33, without either’s loss impacting the others spawn cost is terrifying in it’s own right.


When does update go live