There have been lots of instances throughout the history of WT where an aircraft has been added without a missile it was most often intended to use, or a tank added without a round it mostly intended to use.
Prime example - Apache Longbows have been in the game for years now without Longbow Hellfires.
actually, the in game rafale is closer to the f4.1 standard then f3r (stated by the game), and thats because it has access to the scorpion HMCS, which makes it 2023 machine
It was added as a technical possibility as it was tested on f3r, so yeah the rafale we have in game is f3r
since long time ago, gaijin has stated that armaments are subject of balancing the vehicle, and not a historical innacuracy, thats why f4e doesnt have aim9L’s for example.
I suppose Legacy hornet for british tech tree, the early aircraft pre-order premium rank 8 for china or russia
New APFSDS ammunition for NATO MBT after decompression BR 12.0 → 12.3 and another active radar homing medium-range Air-to-Air Missile for USA & USA allies fighter aircraft top tier better Derby, AIM-120A & AIM-120B
I wait Sniper XR, Thales TALIOS and Litening AT pod for next quarter or third quarter
Sure, when it’s balanced to do so. But there’s nothing stopping them from adding their best armament later down the line when the game is ready for it.
It would be better for Swedish players to get Gripen E with AMRAAMs once Gripen C as an airframe becomes obsolete, rather than waiting years stuck with Gripen C until Gripen E is able to come with Meteors.
Same logic applies to Israeli jets and Python 5’s. US jets with Aim-9X, British Jets with ASRAAM, German jets with IRIS-T etc etc. Plenty of things ingame could use these missiles, but these countries did not need those missiles right now, they simply needed the better airframe to more competitively employ current meta missiles.