Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

I think i read it in iai book at my grandpa house (he worked on iai) i will search it when i be there

Does Gaijin want to create another toptier jet that never exists? it seems that Gaijin wants to add J11BG instead of J11B, but not complete(where is the CM704?)

They gave the J-11B ahistorical air-to-ground loadout, yet they don’t fix other things with it (empty weight, radar). I don’t know where their priorities stand.

I mean, dev server is still live, hopefully they will change it.


This seems to be another Frankenstein, and I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if they were able to offer full A2G loadouts


Could you forward this report about LJDAM on A-10C, AV-8B+ (US & Italy), F-16C, and F-15E?

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“Weapon loads are a balancing factor. Not a bug”

ehhhh not really for LJDAM. none of the aircraft would become broken if they got it.

I know. But the bug report forum seems to be on a not a bug roll. Not even reading some of the reports.

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i have been seeing more of that lately. probably because dev server

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Has anyone made a report on the F-18C late underperforming in sustained turn?

Is it?

Seeing how he hasn’t provided any proof doubt it

Sea level the 18C should have a sustained turn of 19.2°. While at 15,000ft 12.3°. I haven’t measured in game what it’s looking like. Only played with the AOA off with it.

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It should have 19.2 at Sea Level with 2 9Ms and 2 120 amraams

Correct with about 60% fuel.

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Yeah, if I insert those values into statshark I get a max STR of only 17.5deg/s

What proof would you like? I have access to neither the dev server nor WTRTI

netz? pay to win?pay to loss!

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When did they increase the range of targeting pods to 30km?