When someone at gaijin finally decided that 20km isn’t enough 😁
Better than the TT one while being a pack premium makes it P2W
Any news on Israel getting something that doesn’t cost $80 this update?
Are there any news about spice bombs?
Does anyone know why the F-15 got the AoA Limiter Disabler?
I hope Gaijin selects actual high quality skins for the new vehicles this update, often enough in the past has low quality material been chosen when better alternatives are available…
Really hope to see the following skins
I’ve seen them popup in the datamine posts, but i’m not aware of them being assigned to any aircrafts loadouts as of yet.
Really hope they kit out Ra’am and Barak with them.
if its placed at BR 12.7 it’ll be alright, but not exactly pay 2 win. It’ll be strong but at a fair BR.
F/A-18C at 12.3 is kind of special however.
Correct, as of the latest dev, they’re still unused.
Talking about the netz mate
So am I, that’s what I was talking about with the 12.7 BR
If the tt one goes down to 12.3 with possibility of losing Pythons, then I am fine with that, it gives Israel a competitve 12.3 again and also matches the other Block 10 in the game, then they can add a Block 10 (late) like the premium into a folder at 12.7 with the tt one, possessing the extra CMs and Python 3s
This would definitely make sense, and i think it’s probably the best way they could handle this, but man, i’d be sad to see our current Netz loose it’s Python’s. It’d be a real nerf in GRB where the BR would stay the same. All that effort grinding ace crew on it just to watch it get overshadowed lol.
so guys, what do you expect for the next update? (not hornet’s sting, the next one)
iirc Smin said that all Israeli vehicles were already shown.
Hopefully not a dissapointing ground update for once.
Im gonna say xmas update goes for a end of cold war doomsday weapon showcase, but im not sure what comes inbetween
I only play air but I hope ground gets updated for you guys, gotta be frustrating to see your part of the game be disregarded in favor of another
Hopefully Sufa, F-2A and Gripen E (or NG) and then a bunch of ground
So starved of ground content that I’m actually really excited for VT5. I might GE it even.