Could you forward this report regarding the SU30’s HUD missing target-track circle? Really excited for this plane but it would really suck as a sim player if it releases on live without it.
Yeah its not good if they balance taking into consideration multipliers and base earning.
I would like if they would tell us more how they balance vehicles.
Shudders at the thought of playing a BVR truck without that
Wait, you can ask smin to forward reports?
Only if you slip him a fiver first :P
Does he take US dollars?
No other nations currency is accepted, however I could exchange it, but it will be pricey
£5 for each BOL pod added to the T.10! Thats a least 1 pint where i am rn!!!
For a pint? Of what? gas???
a “pint” refers to an alcoholic beverage, usually Beer, but also Ale
its called a pint, because that’s how much volume of liquid is in it, 1 pint = 0.5ish litres
That’s expensive.
I know what a pint is and that it usually associated with alcohol but that is expensive.
It’s the new normal, Luckily I’m not an alcoholic lol
indeed, bad time to be an alcoholic in the UK, especially a social one since Pubs in london are a RIP OFF!
Google says $6.44 for 5 pounds. Round it up to $7?
The last time I’ve been to London was pre Olympic, and I hated it, never been back.
damn, this is my first time lol. The shock if how much MORE everything is!
For my services it’s $50 for 1 quid : )
I wonder if that little petting zoo is still there, doubt it tho
Atp I might as well send some gasoline over
I mean i am paying about $3-4 depending where I am at. I couldn’t imagine paying almost $7. That is some stadium prices there.