Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

So the EF would have come with laser guided bombs (not even glide bombs) as it’s only AtG weaponry? That hurts…


TFW J-11B comes with 6 LGBs and no AGMs whatever

Yeah, but it’s not like it had any guided AtG munitions AFAIK in contrast to the EF. Only unguided rockets and cluster bombs.

Edit: Scratch that, I looked at the J-11A…

Yeah, but it should be weighted by players skills for proper balance. Basic mathematical statistics.
I cant believe if they dont do it.

I can only hope C-704 fixes that.
You know what is funny? J-11B never carried guided air-to-ground weaponry irl, at least not the production version.

They just refuse to add better CAS loadouts for the aircraft that CAN do that (cough cough JH-7A).

Volturno Datapage 58 - Page 3 re S.S. CARMANIA
hey what you think of adding this its RMS carmania a Armored merchant ship has 8X mkIV 4.7 inch cannons


Certainly possible, as a 4.7 ish BR light cruiser. Question is her armour though

I also dont know what their stance is on merchant navy additions

Well, player skill is kind of included, its just the average amount of skill that players displayed while using a vehicle during a certain timeframe. For all we know they do not differentiate between “good” and “bad” players, they just form an average of everyones performances with a vehicle lol

What they really should be doing is doing BR balancing based mostly on vehicle specifications and only take player performance into consideration when the vehicle overperforms.

Lastly average earnings should never be a factor when it comes to BR balancing, as there are two other, a lot more appropriate ways to do so:
Increasing repair costs and reducing SL/RP multipliers when the average earnings of a vehicle are too big;
Decreasing repair costs and increasing SL/RP multipliers when the average earnings of a vehicle are too little.

25 to 38mm rivted steel

Merchant and rogue/pirate ships could be fun, but I honestly can’t imagine them adding any lol

Since they love their unfinished ships so much tho, where the HMS Lion at?



I am hopefull they will, I love AMC’s as much as the next person but they seem hard to balance with their limited fire control and lack of armour. Not to mention most have a large crew pool.

Is there any reason my LJDAM report has been completely ignored after over 3 days? I get it’s busier than usual but newer reports have gone through quicker

The current priority for the team is any issues relating to the dev server or current major update. So these reports will naturally take some priority over other items.


Nice! everyone is working hard around the clock!

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Fair enough. It’s a bit frustrating that hornet LJDAM report went through but not the one for 5 other aircraft to get it

it took months for my scimitar report to be fixed and there’s reports from years ago still not done don’t expect much for a while

It’s a really, really easy copy paste job with tons of sources and pictures to back it up

yea ik. even the smallest of things will take an eternity

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that still takes time, i think the resources are being allocated to giving the T.10 2 BOL on the inner missile pylons /s

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They gotta give F-15A/C/E (USAF) and F/A-18C early & late, as well as F-18C BOL first lol

And F-16 and F-14 countermeasure pods