Indeed, at the end of the day it is depression again, but the few 11.7 aircraft would much apperciate the lack of hornets chasing them down. A-10Cs and Su-25SM3 has 2 IRCCM missile and nothing else really
It’d be too good for 12.7 even with that
They also have a lot of flares
A-10C has 4 9M too
yeah, I can tell you now, I’m very much looking forward to playing the F/A-18A, given its new BR at 12.3 I think it’s going to do very well
let’s not pretend that the A-10C is comparable to the F/A-18
So C early to 13.0 with 9M
And A to 12.7 with 9M/7M combo (which are same as 7F tbf)
Remember that A has worse engines too
I’m not saying that, just that A-10C and Su-25SM3 wouldn’t be suffering too much from 9M’s
The A and the C Early have the same engines, or at least they did when I last checked
9M have very strong IRCCM it would get 2-6 9Ms and 2-4 AIM7Ps you saying the Mig29 at the SAME br should get 4 to 6 R73s?
How does that help your case though, two rarely used 11.7 aircraft not suffering too much isn’t really a great argument
Huh, ok
Even then, 7M worse than 7P and if C early went to 13.0 it would have to keep the extra AIM-7
So A could be 12.7 with 7M/9M
Aye, again, there are attackers, designed for CAS, without SARH, without a clue about energy fight, some are not even supersonic - going to be at the same BR of a hornet. Not gonna be fun. The bison maybe has a chance if it can get close enough for a R-73 launch but that is a maybe, and it might has to waste a SARH forcing notch to get into R-73 range.
IMHO, even though F/A-18A flies badly, giving 9M while letting it play at 12.7 is brutal take if we consider Harrier GR.7, Netz. or F-16A ADF.
13.0 would kill the plane, it would almost always fight EFT, F15E, Su30SM Refales
Even the A, with a loadout of 6 x AIM-9M + 2 x AIM-7M, that is a 13.0 loadout on the F/A-18 airframe
Ppl would probably not like it but they could always just not let you put 9M on certain stations to limit number
or, hear me out you keep the 9L that is the counterpart of the R60M which is what the Mig29 at 12.7 is armed with
only until 14.3 is added
What you are describing is a temporary matchmaking problem for the aircraft, not an issue with either the BR, the balance, or the aircraft itself, just that right now, because top tier is 14.0, it will likely see more uptiers than not
It is a non-related issue that I wish people would stop bringing up
like you said, bad idea