Proposal to add the F/A-18A+ in the USA TT

Now that the F/A-18A has had its inner-wing AIM-7M/Fs removed and was moved down to 12.3:

New F/A-18A Configuration


Gaijin should add a F/A-18A+ foldered with the F/A-18A and place it at 12.7 (without AMRAAMs).

The F/A-18A+ would effectively be a TT variant of the F/A-18C Early - carrying a maximum of 6x AIM-7Ps and AIM-9L/Ms. The F/A-18A+ and F/A-18C Early could be treated the same way in terms of balancing (eg. both receiving 9Ms and going to 13.0 if necessary).

If Gaijin does not want the F/A-18A+ to compete with the F/A-18C Early, they could also add it with AIM-9Ms and place it at 13.0.

For Example


Would you like to see the F/A-18A+ added to the game?
  • Yes, at 12.7 without AMRAAMs
  • Yes, but in some other way (please comment)
  • No
0 voters

YES! Gaijin pls…
I want to try AIM-7p, but now I can’t play with it unless paying.
It’s also good to see this as an event vehicle.


its stupid as hell, they should give it to other tt than f18c. like bruh f14b needs them and f18a used them

While hopes aren’t very high that Gaijin will add the F/A-18A+, the option is still available to them.

The F/A-18A+ could come in 3 different ways

  1. Without AMRAAMs and without 9Ms, but with 7Ps (12.7, like the F/A-18C Early)

  2. Without AMRAAMs, but with 9Ms and with 7Ps (13.0)

  3. With both AMRAAMs and 9Ms (13.7 or 14.0 like the F/A-18C Late)

I’m obviously more of a fan of the first 2. I think Gaijin should make the F/A-18A+ different from both of the F/A-18Cs by giving it 9Ms but not giving it AMRAAMs. Putting it at 13.0 in ARB would be perfect imo.

I definitely don’t think we should have to pay $80 USD in order to get AIM-7Ps at a competitive BR.


Make a suggestion in the suggestions subforum. But they’re not going to pull one out of a hat for this update, especially since they’re already adding 3 new F/A-18’s to the US tree.


a 12.7 TT version with aim7p’s would be cool, +1


13.0 with 7M/P and 9M