Gaijin should add a F/A-18A+ foldered with the F/A-18A and place it at 12.7 (without AMRAAMs).
The F/A-18A+ would effectively be a TT variant of the F/A-18C Early - carrying a maximum of 6x AIM-7Ps and AIM-9L/Ms. The F/A-18A+ and F/A-18C Early could be treated the same way in terms of balancing (eg. both receiving 9Ms and going to 13.0 if necessary).
If Gaijin does not want the F/A-18A+ to compete with the F/A-18C Early, they could also add it with AIM-9Ms and place it at 13.0.
For Example
Would you like to see the F/A-18A+ added to the game?
While hopes aren’t very high that Gaijin will add the F/A-18A+, the option is still available to them.
The F/A-18A+ could come in 3 different ways
Without AMRAAMs and without 9Ms, but with 7Ps (12.7, like the F/A-18C Early)
Without AMRAAMs, but with 9Ms and with 7Ps (13.0)
With both AMRAAMs and 9Ms (13.7 or 14.0 like the F/A-18C Late)
I’m obviously more of a fan of the first 2. I think Gaijin should make the F/A-18A+ different from both of the F/A-18Cs by giving it 9Ms but not giving it AMRAAMs. Putting it at 13.0 in ARB would be perfect imo.
I definitely don’t think we should have to pay $80 USD in order to get AIM-7Ps at a competitive BR.
Make a suggestion in the suggestions subforum. But they’re not going to pull one out of a hat for this update, especially since they’re already adding 3 new F/A-18’s to the US tree.