Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Any chance of knowing if the “interesting tank” which would be the first Thailand tank that got mentioned on the Russian stream I believe is a premium, squadron or TT vehicle?

If it is still coming this patch ofc.

I only got so much gaijin coin/wallet money after a pc explosion, mans gotta think ahead! xD

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Ahh sorry miss communication, i assumed you didn’t see an issue with the netz. My apologies

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You know they have scimitars? It is sure interesting, hmm

I know they have Scorpions and Stingrays which would be interesting (also a certain other tank idk if it should be named or not)

Dunno about Scimitar though.

Probably the same reason for which some Soviet 180mm armed cruisers could only menage about ~30 second reload, yet in the game they reload in 14 seconds and with aced crews in 11 seconds. Gaijin said so and the word became flesh.

I don’t think they would want the Scimitar (in the japanese tree that is) lol


Is the addition of DF105 and CLOVIS to the French TT a part of the high-rank French ground tech-tree plan you mentioned the other day?

Scorpion, stingray, scimitar, BTR-3 with AT-4(cant say the Russian designation), VT4, T-84 are these comes to mind. OFC VT4 is ass and nobody wants that, scimitar exists and scorpion is kinda that, then it lefts with stingray, BTR-3 and T-84. I would say stingray too.

It very well can not be ass if Gaijin spent more effort modeling it accurately, but no.
Funny that the VT-5 is in a much better state than the VT-4 rn, and the VT-5 is still ON THE DEV SERVER.

Also on a brighter note, the Draken can kinda cobra like it used to now (with the AOA button)


Do the J35A and D also get the AoA button?

loud incorrect buzzer
It’s the Ukrainian Barrier/Skif/RK-2S ATGM

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I think so, no reason to only add it for the XS.
I didn’t grind Sweden air.


Would definitely be a lot of fun to have the AoA button on the J35A (and also make it even more of a BR compression offender than the F-104A/C lol)

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From the latest dev server datamines:

Every Draken gets it.


it should never have had the two sparrows on the wing fuel pylons.

I’m not even sure the C Early should have those either

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Just one thing though, Draken does not have FBW, it took me some effort to get used to recovering after doing high AOA maneuvers, if you aren’t careful you can get into a flatspin (like I did in the end).

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So drop the 2 sparrows, slap on 9M, and leave 12.7

Would be peak


oh i understand now thanks

Yeah after trying it myself I got stuck in an upside down flatspin from 1.5km in altitude all the way until I hit the ground. But it’s fun anyway seeing what you can do without the AoA limiter