Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

it would be nice of you to add some aa like spyder for israel becouse on top tier u cant eaven touch enemy planes with chaparral
its just sat to play 9.7 aa at 12.0

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All that dogfight stuff aside, the raptor will be the best ARH platform in the game

@Smin1080p_WT A lot of air premiums have gotten added this patch, can you confirm if France will get an air premium next patch?

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US players proceed to leave weapons bay open the whole match forgetting to close it, and lighting up on radar.


We don’t even have this update out yet. So we can confirm nothing about the next major right now.

It will probably open and close automatically

Le gasp!! There won’t be another update!!!11!!!1!!!

(/jk for those that need it)

Can you atleast confirm its coming this year? You guys had confirmed Gripen was confirmed to come in a certain year, and now Mitsubishi F-2, there’s probably other examples. Would be nice to get a confirmation that an air premium is coming for France, I think its been a long while since we had any confirmation ahead of time of something coming for France compared to other nations.

More likely just use the bomb-bay keybind, as that’s a system already in game

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Gaijins balancing decisions are really some of the best I’ve ever seen lmao

  • Blatantly P2W premium vehicles (F/A-18c early and the Netz)
  • Not giving a vehicle more CMs despite it being worse than the competition in almost every way
  • Kh-38MT is a-okay, but Dual-Mode Brimstones limited to IR would be too OP, even if the amount was artificially limited. Can’t limit the USSR to Kh-38ML for some reason tho
  • No Pantsir nerfs in 2 years, despite it being the strongest AA by far
  • BR changes entirely based on SL earnings and overall player statistics instead of balancing earnings by changing the modifiers and the BRs based on vehicle and weapon specifications
  • Four SPAAs for Britain at effectively the same BR (Stormer AD can’t go down to 9.7 because Britain tax and an early Tracked Rapier wasn’t even being considered)
  • Balancing Stingers and Mistrals based on the performance of Iglas because they don’t believe those other manpads could be much better than Iglas
  • BR recompression
  • BR squish for CAS in top tier GRB
  • Brightest tracers known to man on the Starstreak
  • Smoky motors on certain smokeless SAMs

I could probably keep going for a while lol


Been waiting since yesterday to be able to post this, stupid server problems


It opens and closes really fast. When you press whatever to fire a missile, should just pop bay open, fire, and then close immediately

So… anything new on today’s dev update, besides Colorado’s updated armor (still wrong turret modules and reload) and F/A-18A getting 2 less 7Fs in exchange for 12.3?

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They fix US ship armor? What is it now?

No argument against the netz. But they did reduce BR of F/A-18A, so C isn’t really p2w anymore

89mm upper deck, 38mm inner deck, 343mm belt, 457mm turret face, 330mm barbette

Usual Standard BB armor hahah

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Nets gets extra countermeasures at the same BR as the tech tree one

Balance decisions are everywhere woah… shame the T.10 cant get that treatment off rip. You gotta argue for it to even get 2

I know, that’s why I said “no argument against the netz”

Better than it was before though right?

Hadn’t seen that yet, didn’t really catch up on the forum on account of being unable to reply for over a whole day lol

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I mean of course, before it was all a 40mm thick placeholder hahahah

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