Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

I wholeheartedly agree

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Are vehicles balanced by just average player statistics or are they weighed by how good overall given player is?

VT-5 buff! Nice to see it. @Smin1080p_WT do we know what APFSDS it will be getting?

NF-5A maybe

That doesn’t qualify for rank 8 premium does it?

qualifies for rank 7 max

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I honestly agree. 9L is R60M-level flare hungry. I prefer a higher BR if it means 9M over 9L.


Not sure what you mean by this, but Gaijins BR balancing almost entirely relies on the two factors I mentioned. Those being the average earnings achieved by the community using the vehicles and statistics internally recorded by Gaijin, statistics that they do not publish.

For bombers and certain strike planes the earnings are a bigger factor than the other statistics, which is pretty silly, considering that there are two other values tied to the vehicles that can be changed to limit the earnings per match. Those being repair cost and more importantly, the SL and RP multipliers.

Only the initial BR of a vehicle is determined by vehicle specifications and performance potential, unless something special is added to a vehicle all BR adjustments are just based on the factors I mentioned.

SPAA nerf regardless of how strong it is, is the last thing this game will ever need


So it’s officially a pay 2 win option at the same BR. How great!

Well, they are nerfing and/or limiting certain SAMs (Chaparral being the most recent example) and they have somewhat nerfed certain SPAAs by increasing their BR based on anti-tank capability alone, but they haven’t touched the Pantsir to this day

What can they touch? It’s already max br. And ofc they’d up br stuff that are good at being AT, have you not experience the horroe of the falcon, dca, and even the leo2 marksman?

This game heavily favour cas already, and pantsir being the best spaa around already sturggles against cas, and you want to nerf it?

I have experienced the “horror” that people ratting with vehicles like the Falcon are, but instead of doing the right thing and limiting the anti-tank capabilities of these vehicles they resort to bringing them up in BR, limiting their anti-air capabilities as they are now meeting more advanced planes.

The answer to the CAS problem in top tier would be:

  • add a BR cutoff for planes so only planes below a certain BR can be used in ground battles (or get rid of the BR squish and only match people that bring stuff like the F-15E against people that bring similarly strong planes)
  • nerf the Kh-38MT or get rid of it entirely, only leaving the Kh-38ML
  • limit the 95Ya6s (Panstir missile) range to the 12km that all the other nations are limited to until the promised new anti air systems arrive so there is a somewhat even playing field

pretty nasty R-73 shot i have to say, also whats the name of the song in the second video?

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Jokes aside VT-4 is the whole reason why im grinding Chinese Tech Tree now.

It might be worse than ZTZ99A models but it doesnt matter for me.

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I kinda want the VT-4 too, but only because it looks pretty cool

In simple terms I mean that if player A has across all his vehicles KD 6.0 and player B has KD 0.5 and we are balancing vehicle X than performances of player A and B respectively on vehicle X are properly adjusted by how good they are in game.

Is it possible to know that? I am not asking about specific algorithm but just in general if player overall skill is taken into consideration.

I mean it still has better reverse speed than Russian tanks and similiar firepower while having APS.

Plus as you said it looks hella cool.

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It’s not based on certain players. They use the average of the statistics of everyone that has used a vehicle in a certain timeframe to determine if the BR of said vehicle should go up, stay the same, or go down.

Not anymore- it’s now 12.3!

It lost two 7s though.

I would honestly have preferred it to get 9M and stay 12.7 than 12.3 with 9Ls.

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