it’s a monochrome sensor lmao. not thermal
Thats just the black and white TV feed those trucks arent glowing?
and this must be a thermal TV
its so they could move it down to 12.3 and leave the F18C at 12.7 otherwise the A would feel useless compared to the C or the C would be DOA as it has to fight EFTs every match with 9Ls and 7Ps
mig29 never carried r27ers irl
not saying that the ER’s are bad but the mig29 just has only 2 good missiles and evrything else is just ass thats why i recommend for gajin to remove the ER and give it R73S and its og fm (it would be more historically accurate AND would be alot more enjoyable)
I can ask the same question about the T.10
See, this is what I meant, lol.
I have no goddam idea about plane sytems.
R73s at 12.7 on a mig 29 airframe would be criminal even if it only had R27Rs
they could idk… decompress brs and move stuff around but of course this is mr gajin we are talking about this will never happen
Thermal is different and better, thermal is like a thermal sight on a tank. The TV seaker is like a grey NVD
the thing that annoys me is they refuse to move it down in BR when the AV8B NA sits at the same BR and is better in every single way, but then refuse to give it just 2 BOL rails to at least give it a CM advantage (like the BOL rail countermeasures actually do anything anyway)
Im left wondering why they dont remove the CM pod from the AV-8A or AV-8S for balancing reasons that way those premiums match the Harrier Gr1
“b-b-b-but we cant do that! it wouldnt be fair!” eh at the end of the day ill never own it because its just worse then the AV8B NA, and I just dont see a point in going for something that is worse in every way compared to another plane that costs the same amount of money and is at the same BR
and A-10A late (missing 9M)
also ja37d and jas39a missing their 120s
Yeah, im going to wait, if the FRS1 fixes actually come this major update. Then the T.10 offers little that I dont already get from the FRS1.
Its already a chore playing radar-less aircraft in SB, but one with such a weak defensive kit on top of that…nah, Id rather run the Gr7 at 12.7. The gameplay will be the same and its free
Were not asking for weapons upgrade, that would require a higher BR,
Were asking for its countermeasures it used irl, just so it can have a reason to be at the same BR as the AV8B(NA)
Bomb tossing is quite fun
Or have a reason to exist the harriers are too hot.
New preorder packs do look fun, though I think I will be careful and wait for a sale for them. The joys of working for a company that could go under at any moment for years ha xD.
On the flip side, Rapier seems to have had its missiles improved I think? Follows the tracker better and the smoke issue on the missile launch is way less of an issue. Also its major issue is fixed, it is now a proud independent British missile that dont need no colony, it is no longer Canadian ;)
I do still hope we get a 2nd Rapier, impact fuse only at a lower BR with this reaction would require skill to use, but damn it could troll a few unsuspecting guys who think they are normally safe facing the UK to sit 3.5km away xD
sufa only ever used apg68v9 never the elta-2032