Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

@Smin1080p_WT I know you’re going to say that the Devs read people’s responsed and feedback and do listen to some of it (past community experiences screams otherwise) but please can you just pass this along.

£60 for the T.10 is ridiculous in this state. Honestly it’s not worth it at 50% off in the sales. It should either get BOL and stay at 11.3 or it goes down to 11.0. It’s simply not going to sell and will more than likely be removed by the next update. That’s time and money wasted from making it in the first place.


True, +1 from a big harrier fan. Pre order from me if EITHER happen

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Which doesnt exist yet. Because Gaijin are being lazy

  • FRS1e is quite good in a 10.7 lobby
  • Tornado Gr4 would be if we had 12.3 brackets, but sucks at 12.7. Same probably true for the Gr7
  • Tornado F3 at 12.0 is a tad OP actually, especially as people it faces are usually just bad.
  • Sea Vixen is quite good
  • javelin is okay at dealing with bombers
  • All the Bucs are pretty solid

Funny thing is, now that the Gripen also gets the funny button there really isn’t any point to use the F-18C.

Like the Eurocanards seem to rinse the 18C up close now too.

I’d even be happy with it getting 4x BOL and moving to 11.7. Whats the point of the BR system if it isnt going to be used


Would you rather have an atlas cheetah or T.10?

Both. T.10 with 9L and BOL.

Atlas cheatah should be a tech tree vehicle before the JAS39


Ill give them a shot. Last time I did SIM I was grinding the IRIAF tomcat so I cycled through MiG-29 HUAF, AV-8B and J-8F for maximum score grinding(R27ER vroom), but havent really played it in a normal way.

There could be a tech tree cheetah and a premium

I dont have enough personal interest in a cheatah to buy one, but would actually grind it and occasionally play it if it was on the TT, depending on its BR/loadout.

I really really wanted something like the T.10 because I miss playing the Gr7 when it had a usable BR in SB, but the T.10 is so massively nerfed its going to be fairly DOA

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How about a premium Gr.5

why did they remove 2x sparrows from f18A.
should have 9M + 6x 7P + 13.0 BR

Bc it’s 12 something

Barely even mentions the T.10. Just says what it can carry and conveniently leaving out the Phimat pod.

Weaker A2G than the T.10 and its that CAS gameplay I quite enjoy in the Gr7 in SB. So it would only be good in A2A and I would rather just use the FRS1 with its radar

Because it’s 12.3 now

Fair enough the need it’s a cas plane and that is fairly hard to do with what’s available at that br

Guys do u think more vehicles are coming?

why do they artificially nerf it even more instead of giving it its real weapons and increasing BR?

I must be missing something really obvious, as this has thermals :

We must be talking at cross purposes or something.