Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Not sure. I have heard it models it on thrust.

The F-4 has 2 engines producing X thrust does each engine get its own thrust/heat amount or is there just a random point to the center of the aircraft that the missile will try to go too.

We’ve gotten, a very basic explanation from the devs as to what is going on before and this idea of multiple engines was disproven though it was widely believed.

Well the Harrier is screwed it now continues to make its low end thrust but while going faster lol.

Yeah, missiles target centre mass, I would guess it’s the total thrust of the aircraft

Yup… Maybe the lack of BOL, especially in their fake nerf state, isnt that big of a deal on the T.10 because spamming all 380 wouldnt flare off anything ,especially the IRCCMs youll face


Than why in the F-4 I can just pop a flare and not worry about it when the plane is making more thrust than the Harrier.

Yet in the Harrier I have to spam flares and pull G like its top gun to still get hit.

You will die.

Avoid 12.0 up in Harriers is what I learned on the dev server.

An R-73 hit me side aspect while I was preflaring from like 3.5 Km

Of cause he will, he’s human not a bot all humans will die eventually : P

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yes but you get my drift flaring is as effective as just bailing out at this point.

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Given the Su-39 and A-10C have IRCCM at or near the same BR as the T-10, you are especially screwed . But its another nail in the coffin for the GR7 at 12.3/12.7.

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Agreed and taking out an A-10 in the Shar is practically instant death if he has got any missiles left.
The 9L will become a 9M.

I liked the way the event submarine was

Oh yeah it’s April fool at the end of the month, be kinda funny to see them put more effort in that than this update


@Smin1080p_WT I know the dev server is ending soon so the update is probably coming sooner rather than later but is there any possibility of Anti-ship missiles this patch? I think it would be a fun addition for us sim players! And maybe an eventual update of the ai ships in sim

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The Kh-59MK has been datamined by gszabi, and it is an anti ship variant of the family. Given that it is launched from Su-30MKI, id assume it should be able to be launched from Su-30SM, both being novosibbyrisk variant of the Su-30.

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Im glad to see it but I hope they arent the only one because that would blow

Im sure there are more in the files like exocet. But on the other hand the kh-59 is a very versatile missile, and it is possible that the anti-ship variant is included only because the anti-radiation variant is being worked on.

For real, I’m loving it and will master it to get the most out of it.

Do you think F-18E Super Hornet is better than Su-30SM that Russia is warranted Su-35?

Su-30SM is better than the F/A-18C Super Hornets for the “meta game” of 14.0, but not by much.

The Su-35 is absolutely not warranted though. The 30SM was given R-77-1s to make up for its downsides and as a result those missiles are fine. But if you were to add a significantly better platform like the Su-35, it would lead to a cascade of requests for 120C-5s and buffs to the PL-12, MICA ,and AAM-4 (which yes already happens, difference is that now they’d actually be warranted). Which would once again lead to russia being powercrept, and being back in the same boat…

Realistically, there just doesn’t seem a way for Russia to release a meta competitive jet in the foreseeable future.