Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Appears to already be forwarded. So nudged.


Would it be possible for you to nudge the Devs into adding the WT community 540lb bombs that are found on the Harrier GR.7 (and soon T.10) to other aircraft that currently carry the regular free fall 540lb (Bucc, Jag, Phantom)

You know they already have them right?

never mind, I get the wording now :D

Well played

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Imagine the roles were reversed, Sweden got the MLU1 with JHMCS but the US got a late 90s one without JHMCS, would you expect people to be satisfied with ”there are distant plans for a better version, don’t worry”?

Sir. We are talking about the Harrier here not the Hornet.

Any chance this bug report regarding the D Apaches IRCM could be looked at? It’s present on the physical models but not actually a working module or in the new damage model. It weirdly exists on the A variants but none of the D variants.

Sorry, I’m very tired, and annoyed, I think it’s time I log off and get some sleep



Are Carriers getting back into top tier Air RB? i miss so much taking off and landing on them. now that we get the Hornet, are they making a return?

and can you also answer on why they where removed from top tier in the first place?

I do wonder if we will get carrier before Subs in naval, while subs have been tested I just dont see them being fun to play or fight with how slow they are


Mr community manager, can we please hear what the upper management has to say about decompression and/or shrinking the max br range of games? I am really curious about it.


Hi @Smin1080p_WT I know you’ve been answering to FIN F-18 stuff all day so I apologise for another question; BVVD said in the stream (based on Jean Clod’s translation) than an F18 (FIN) with CAS options will come NEXT update, was this a mistake? or did BVVD actually confirm this on stream? thanks a lot for the time.

You can lock a Harrier frontally with an AIM9L from beyond 5 km

Yet IRL from an encounter during the Falklands it’s not even possible to lock one frontally with AIM9L

I’m famous lol

Having played a fair bit of Submarine simulations, mostly Cold Waters, making submarines work in naval (which I admittedly don’t really play) would be a bit of a challenge given how they’re meant to be used. It’s doable, I definitely get the appeal that subs have, but implementing them in a way that is fun and at least somewhat true to life would be a balancing nightmare. It’s very slow, methodical, and meant to be taken at a pace that I don’t think is really conducive to the game. If there was say, an EC mode for naval then it might fit better.

You’re probably gonna need to ask him again in an hour for an update.

He got me as well bruh


No it’s up there you need to look for EPW2.


The heat of the Harrier is going to be far worse than it ever was before.

The Flz Lwf 63/80 is just an aim 9P IIRC

with pre-flaring and reaction flaring its impossible to flare rear aspect unless you cut throttle to 0 long before the missile gets you at which point the enemy would very likely be within guns range lol.

There was 0 hesitation in the missile sometimes you will see a jerk to the flare and back to the plane but in this case the Harrier is so hot the flare wasn’t even seen almost.

The Harrier at this speed and alt in the dev was pushing out well under 16,000 lbs of thrust in comparison the F-4S would likely be putting out around the same amount thrust per engine and would have a significantly easier time evading.

I think that the Harrier has all 4 nozzles to be registering as if they where creating the engines entire thrust.
meaning it has 2X the Heat signature of a fully afterburning F-4S if the 1 Pegasus engine is producing the same thrust of just 1 of the GE engines.


Nah, it’s basically that the game doesn’t model IR sigs, rather uses produced thrust as an analogue, which works well for everything but the Harriers, as the Harriers produce alot of thrust and (in game) produce more at slower speeds.
This though doesn’t account for stuff like Hot/cold exhaust mixing or heat sig occlusion etc, as the actual engine temp doesn’t matter. That’s why the F-5s are so easy to flare in, as despite having comparable engine temps, the engines are kinda terrible and produce low thrust at pretty much all regimes, thus a lower sig.

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