Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

I want the rampage
Way better then the maveriks

Hey. Blogs are always subject to change.

As mentioned at the bottom:

Please note that this vehicle’s characteristics may be changed before it is added to the game.

Hey, @Smin1080p_WT
the response to this report from a couple days ago kinda implies that the XM246 would be getting APDS, just in some different way from the gepards and co.
This goes against today’s blog that says it won’t be getting APDS. Is this just a miscommunication?

Is it a mistake in the bombs modelling or a mistake in the devblog

Hey. There were some issues with its belts. The ammo choice is not final and still being worked on.


And I can’t understand the reasoning for that, as I’ve said the MLU 1 package brings Finlands Hornet up to the same level the US one is at already, A2G ordinance aside, and again, it should have the same cockpit as the current US one as well, so it can’t be an assets issue.

I’d like a reason for it that doesn’t feel like Finland purposefully and needlessly being held back


We have explained with answers from the devs why that is. Sadly I cant provide something to change your mind when you have already clearly made a pre-set conclusion.

God isn’t that an Ironic sentence


I guess the devs want to continue the streak of sweden not having a competent CAS aircraft

For me the main thing is, at least we now the Finnish line isn’t dead now with one more Hornet planned and another being talked about.


This isn’t even about CAS, I can understand not adding the MLU 2, but they didn’t even add the MLU 1, which means no HMS


Mr Smin, anything else hidden away for the patch we dont know about that could come? Or has it pretty much all hit the dev server now?

IIRC there was talk in a dev stream of a thai tank coming, is that still the case and if so, any hints on if its a TT or squadron or premium, light/medium, etc? ^^

So why does the majority of Finnish players who wamt HMD ignored but other nations get what the majority wants? Again why does Finland all the sudden not get the same treatment. Again it just seems more like targeted hate.

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Yamato’s fire control system is inferior to every other nation’s.
Wait until you find out how fast Iowa class ranging is, and Yamato still being “almost as slow” [for lack of a better term] as current BBs.

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We haven’t ignored anyone. We immediately explained and made it clear a later version will come with all of the features being requested. Not just the HMD, but CAS too.

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Fairly sure mostly everything has been seen by now. Though its a little hard to keep up sometimes with what has / has not yet with how quickly the dev server updates and things are shown :)

Does that mean we’re going to see the AIM-9X or AIM-120C soon, or will this version be 14.0 too?

Ik youve been asked this before but any clues as to if the update will be within the next week, i have 0 reasons for asking

Agin the problem is BR compression. It seems like gaijin wants to put essentially the same jet as on the US but without A2G at a higher BR. So again why do we have to wait to get a jet thats actually on par with the US model. Why does the current Finnish hornet without HMD the same BR as the US model with HMD.

No, it does not. It just means a later version of the Finnish F-18 is planned to come.