IRCCM type on the PL-8B [Poll]

With the addition of the J-11B in the new update the PL-8B is also being added. As of right now (March 4th) it has 0.75 Gatewidth IRCCM (R-73 type). I believe it should be changed to Seeker Shutoff (AIM-9M type).

The PL-8B is designed for range, with its upgraded booster (which hopefully will be included soon) it will be very good for speed and range. Gatewidth IRCCM is not good for this, it is better at close range shots. Seeker Shutoff is better for range, which again is what this missile is designed for.

Keeping the PL-8Bs IRCCM is an artificial nerf to its capabilities and is against what it was designed for. It would be like giving the F-4C the F-5Es kit and giving the F-5E the F-4Cs kit and expecting both to still do well in their intended roles.

PL-8B’s IRCCM type
  • Keep Gatewidth
  • Change to Seeker Shutoff
0 voters

Please refrain from voting if you do not plan to play the J-11B and use the PL-8B.


What does it have IRL?

Seeker Shut-off was given to the Aim-9M because that is one of the methods of IRCCM it has IRL, not because of gameplay reasons.


Voting keep gate width unless it’s seeker shutoff IRL.


Tbf there are missiles in game with fictional irccm such as the AAM-3 which uses the AIM-9Ms IRCCM whereas it should be IR/UV

Tho im not sure if hes saying to change it to AIM-9M style simply because he doesn’t like the current one.


It should be on par too Python 4 if modeled correctly, though its unlikely Gaijin will do so now.


If it’s the latter, even with the very unfortunate spelling error, then no. I know there is plenty of cases of Gaijin just making stuff up, or implementing artificial nerfs for balance reasons, but the solution to both isn’t doing either

Both, 3 sec eye-shut followed by FOV, IIRC.


That is my question too. It should be which ever is most accurate, if possible

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Then that becomes more complicated, and either could be picked. Aim-9M should have more than 1 type (report). But maybe its time they start modeling more than 1 and give it both as you have stated.

Whatever it was irl

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pl8b has similar irccm to ty-90 which have the shut-off seeker irccm like the 9m.


If I recall correctly, the problem here is that Gaijin has decided the realistic implementation is too powerful for the current state of the game. As evidenced by their implementation of AAM-3. The PL-8B uses both methods in real life, but only one is implemented for balance. The current topic is to change it to a more suitable method, which I think is seeker shut off. That is my best guess as to the current situation.


everyone saying whatever it has IRL clearly dont know much about missiles. nearly if not all of the missiles with IRCCM are implemented wrong, think of it this way, you have a computer in a missile, its literally only a few lines of code to implement seeker shut off, if you see more than 1 heat source, switch to INS until only 1 heat source is left. Its not a new technology only in certain missiles. in real life i can gauruntee missiles uses dozens of techniquies to ignore flares. from shape recognition, temperature, spectral analysis, probably even AI algorithms. The IRCCM methods are also highly classified, so gaijin is basically just guessing, theres no reason they have to choose fov over seeker shut off. gaijin has proven time and time again theyre perfectly willing to add classified vehicles and weapons and take a wild guess to its performance. but if you want it changed it needs tons of sources. Gaijin changing this missile to a different IRCCM is perfectly reasonable since theres no proof it uses FOV gating anyway. it almost definitely has more advanced IRCCM than in game (same as ty90, stingers, aam3, etc)


i agree in that the PL-8B should recive the seeker shutoff and also something i want to mention is that its time for the Python-4 to come too.


It has a multi-element seeker, so way too advanced to be added at the moment.


not really, it needs the seeker have the ability of distinguishing planes and flares, so it need a dual band seeker.

It should have both, sharing seeker type and technology with the TY-90 it should have both types of IRCCM


its not distuingishing between flares and planes. that would need an imaging sensor which we dont have in game yet and some far more complex machine learning algorithms.

Detecting 2 heat sources and switching to inertial navigation does not take any additional sensors or quipment the missile doesnt already have

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current shutdown IRCCM is based on this. if it detects flares, it will shutdown, not detecting 2 heat sources

you dont even know whatare you talking about.
ty90 have both shutdown and gatewidth. its gatewidth is 1.25 degree.