Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Cheers gszabi! Doing the Gods’ work, just wanted to know if I should hold on to my GE lmao

now what to grab instead…

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Yea thatd be something, tho gaijin just might add artificial/fantasy handicaps to it.

Su-30SM would be fine with it’s proper energy retention and Oswald Coe no need for the Su-35s for some time

Hey @Smin1080p_WT, can you say anything about CV90 MK.IV fixes?

The state it was added in last update is (excuse the expression) pretty half baked, lacking most of the features that makes it the most advanced of the CV90s.

Right now it’s basically the BR 9.3 CV9030FIN with Spike missiles glued on to it

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inb4 they claim they cant add it cause it has AIM-9X and AIM-120C5, as if they have not added gimped loadouts before.

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They didn’t even fix all the armor holes on the dev lmao

Only when its a Finnish vehicle does it have to obey the rule of historical accuracy. Bomb removal of the Mig 21 because historical accuracy over balance…

The fact that he keeps saying “the MLU” makes it look like he thinks there is only one

If only the Finnish airforce website wasn’t so impossibly difficult to find… oh wait

Not being able to find something on the front page of google from about as an official source as you can get is genuinely troubling


They didn’t even know about the Gripen C’s MS so im inclined to believe they yet again didn’t bother to do any real research here.


No 65E2s :(

Oh the line “weapons are a balance issue” has been used so many times I’m not sure he can hide from it now

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They are unlikely to change their minds unless or more realistically until they receive significant backlash when the vehicles release on live. I expect a good portion of comments in the upcoming pre-order blogs to be complaints once the rest of the player base discovers the stuff they are trying to pull.


There are just two open forwarded suggestions left for the CV 90 Mk IV. Its armour and an ammo suggestion for ABM.

I’d be fine with them only giving 4 smart quad racks for the aircrafts that can carry it, maybe just 2.

SPICE 250 is extremely powerful, so introducing it should be slow to not make Israeli aircraft wipe out the entire enemy team by themselves.

@Smin1080p_WT Sorry for the ping but I have made this flow chart to minimums future arguments, would you like to take a look for me and improve it in anyway ?

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In that case we should remove JHMCS from all US aircraft, seeing as that came alongside the 9X and therefore constitutes a “significant difference”

need AGM-84H/K SLAM-ER with 270km range instead of 110km agm84E now

Can we also have TAURUS at that point?

Firstly, im well aware there are multiple MLUs. That was never disputed. I also dont decide on what variant or MLU comes.

Secondly, we have been clear that the version coming to the game this update is the base pre-MLU (any MLU) variant.

We have a later MLU version coming in the future with many of the things mentioned and suggested on a more modern version later.

Throwing shade and the indirect insults here are not going to change anything or improve the matter at hand.


@Smin1080p_WT are the KAB-500LG and KAB-1500LG bombs going to receive the GPS/IOG guidance, because currently only 250LG has those capabilities.
Otherwise the Su-30SM devblog is misleading and should get fixed.