Exactly, I’m also not saying that the T.10 shouldn’t get BOL and stuff.
I’m just pointing out that saying that the 8B(NA) being better at 11.7 ground RB because “muh 10 LGBs” is not correct.
Exactly, I’m also not saying that the T.10 shouldn’t get BOL and stuff.
I’m just pointing out that saying that the 8B(NA) being better at 11.7 ground RB because “muh 10 LGBs” is not correct.
I’ll go ahead and list the disadvantages of the T10 so far then when compared to a different harrier model at the same BR:
AV-8B NA -
Worse engine,
Worse CM count
Worse CAS capability
Worse FM (heavier and worse TWR)
Worse CM dispersion
Worse RWR and no Radar
Worse cannon (ADEN vs Rotary 25mm)
Equivalent IR missiles
Equivalent cockpit visibility (for sim)
Equivalent top speed (slower to reach it though)
Equivalent Maverick count
And most of these issues could be amended with BOL and the fixing of the harrier FM generally lol
Basically British tax
Also a worse gun, 2 ADEN’s with no tracers and slow velocity VS GAU-12 with faster velocity and tracers.
Forgot it had a rotary cannon, will add that
Nah the 25s have good velocity
Not compared to the avenger
Even though the Harrier underperforms still, has no ability to VIFF, is limited severely in AOA for no reason, I can still almost beat an F-18 close in.
This fight would have been over on the 2nd or 3rd turn if I could pull 20 degrees AOA in mouse aim.
new user, upvote as in heart?
anyone else having problems posting?
Sure um this is good cas, right
This has truly upset my week. This is the vehicle i was excited for this update, even tho i KNEW it would be pretty bad but the BOL would have made it somewhat balanced at 11.3 when comparing it to the NA premium
But to hear its not only going to be worse by EVERY metric, but its not getting BOL due to “balance” is actually confusing me.
I dont even see how having more countermesures is a balance point? i would rather get BOL and remove MAW if you want to argue balance (MK.1 eyeballs have done me fine so far)
U guys have issues posting as well?
Sometimes is telling me i need to play 1 game to post
I think its fixed
Sgt highway is hit
Perhaps 700 countermeasures with the 4 BOL pods is “excessive” but what if the BOL was just added to the dedicated missile pylons on the T.10. This way it has a maximum of 380 (160 x 2 + 60).
This would at least give it the MAW/CM advantage over the AV8B(NA) whilst the american version gets the stronger engine, lower wieght and better guided bomb loadout. I feel that would be more balanced and a good compromise between realism and balance
Thank you :)
Update when?