Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

oh its indeed the Bangladesh variant … makes me wonder, why’d they add this before Durjoy or the base VT-5 or even the ZTQ-15.

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Yeah… At least they are being somewhat unsuccesful in this case:

More vehicles are coming or thats it?

Once block 4 come, it’s a better air superiority and multirole than a typhoon

We know that a British aircraft is coming, suspected to be a premium Harrier T-10. But I dont know about any others yet.

USS Colarado maybe?

OK thanks

That’s still better than what they had before:

Anyways, really want this to get added (as an event) before the TT RoC M1A2T.
Is the gun still 100mm or did it get 105mm?


Oh boy, i can’t wait for U.S mains to complain about not having the best F35 XD


Hehe yeah, or the “Where is ASRAAM and Meteor on the US F-35s” threads :D


And expensive af to operate, that’s also a factor to consider (Are we even buying Block 4?). My guess is that they’ll act as mini awacs sending datalink targets to Eurofighters behind them, tho i guess the EF EK could do that as well if their jammers are good enough to protect them

You forgot IRIS-T :P At least they can’t deny that one being integrated

Yep. :D

Ayy man like you’ve been replying to everyone else but ignoring a major problem

Is this going to get fixed or not?
Like I can’t do anything to a battleship in a 6.0 cruiser before he kills me in 1-2 salvos.

not this one tho,


The VT5 with HERA exists as an independent model, there is potentially a second variant, or the ZTQ15.

I know Britain is buying Block 4s, it should serve to drastically increase our force projection power, the F-35 would likely be the best AEQ&C we can field, seeing as our current systems are helicopter based with altitude limiting their effective range

BTW datamine


I didn’t think it had been integrated, or is it ongoing, tbh I just assumed they would use AIM-9s?

Basically the AV-8B NA for Britain, but a two seater

They are 100 percent gonna use the fact that it was a US marine F35B that flew the first tests as a reason on why they should receive the meteor.

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