Post upgrade domestic israel armaments and better USAF F-15 Eagle
I see F-15D Baz Messhupar equipped SPICE 1000
I don’t know place to heavyweight fighter or bomber aircraft line, but BR 14.7
Post upgrade domestic israel armaments and better USAF F-15 Eagle
I see F-15D Baz Messhupar equipped SPICE 1000
I don’t know place to heavyweight fighter or bomber aircraft line, but BR 14.7
B-1 Lancer
The final VTOL boy and the heavy supersonic bombers will be great additions.
A new turret different from ST-3A or ZLT-19.
under baz c it will fit
Chiefbrams (Abrams vismod) like KVT but for the Brit tree (only way the tree can get an “Abrams” since Aussie ones are for US only).
Armor would be like the base Stillbrew Chieftain with added layer of thin sheet metal.
US Chieftains:
I know it’s more of an US project, but don’t think US ‘mains’ want a fake n sluggish Abrams with the 120mm L11
Would be a shame if there existed, for example a official brochure
Of a vehicle trialed by UK
But trial vehicle addition logic is exclusive(unless something bespoke/unique) for Sweden(and that too only Soviet stuff, since Sweden also tested all NATO platforms at the time).
And if Gaijin wanted to add Abrams for UK, then the Aussie one would’ve been the straightforward solution, but they didn’t.
And then they proceeded to butcher the MBT uniqueness by adding Dutch Leos to France TT (which didn’t need Leos and Belgium as subtree was enough), which made me wonder, why deny the Canadian Leos for UK then? Vickers Mk.7 already uses the Leo 2 hull and Chally 3 uses the Leo 2’s gun.
Object 781
Some unknown chinese truck
I desire ERC 90 (the erc 90) ((its the erc 90)) (((erc 90 is the one I desire)))
Sorry Gaijin can only do the ERC-20 Kriss at 8.3 yes yes.
(Gaijin please I want the ERC-90)
(it ends up being erc-90 lynx with no sagaie because french)
What in the cursed heck is that?!?!
Would be funny if they added it tho.
The Kranvagn woukd finally make up for all those times gaijin teased us with swedish heavies and then made them premiums.
Because multiple F-35 suggestions exist, I decided to make a J-20 and J-20A suggestion, aswell as a J-35A one, cuz why not ig.
PL-15E “Abaddon” AAM (6x internal)
PL-15 “Abaddon” AAM (4x internal, 8x external)
PL-10 AAM (2x shoulder bay, 2x external)
Thanks to new findings, it was found out that the J-20 has a “beast mode”, making it carry up to 18 missiles, those being 6 internal PL-15E, 8 external PL-15, 2 internal shoulder bay PL-10 and 2 external PL-10 missiles. Yea, to say the least, that’s a lot.
Type 1475 (KLJ-5A) AESA radar
Drop tanks
PL-17 AAM (Planned/Possibly already mounted)
PL-16 AAM (Planned)
PL-15E “Abaddon” AAM (6x internal)
PL-15 “Abaddon” AAM (4x internal, 8x external)
PL-10 AAM (2x shoulder bay, 2x external)
Thanks to new findings, it was found out that the J-20 has a “beast mode”, making it carry up to 18 missiles, those being 6 internal PL-15E, 8 external PL-15, 2 internal shoulder bay PL-10 and 2 external PL-10 missiles. Yea, to say the least, that’s a lot.
Guided bombs are also planned to be integrated
Type 1475 (KLJ-5A) AESA radar
Drop tanks
PL-15E “Abaddon” AAM (6x internal, 6x external)
PL-10 AAM (Unknown, but it is known that it can carry them, and was also displayed with them)
Supersonic ASM (Air to Surface Missile) (4x internal, 4x external)
Supersonic ASM (Anti Ship Missile)/ARM (Anti Radiation Missile) (4x internal, 4x external)
500kg deep penetration bombs (4x internal, 4x external)
Small diameter bombs (12x internal, 18x external)
KLJ-7A AESA radar (?)
Distributed aperture system optical early-warning system
Electro-optical targeting system (EOTS-86?)
Vought F7U Cutlass
preferably F7U-3M with better engine and beam riding missile
one of my favorite planes, looks straight out of a sci-fi movie
idk why, but to me look like something green goblin would fly