Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

I see that Japan is getting the best type of premium.

C&P, with a (useless) gimmick.

It gives you something if you don’t have it, but at the same time, if you do, you have something neat. (it’s already better then 90% of the premiums coming this update if you ask me)


I don’t see Gaijin going for it though

Yeah, especially since the aim260 should be an option by then

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ZTQ-15 model should be abit more different,
the driver’s position is not centered like in VT-5 but towards the left.

which 1 do ya want?

IRIS-T is backwards compatible with the analog AIM-9 Interface. As far as I’m aware, the outer pylons on the F-35 have that interface. So of boresight shots or integration with MAW won’t be possible, but basic radar slewing or designation via HMS are

It would be, though the lack of BOL is a concern. Fair enough maybe limiting it to 2 instead of 4. But internal CMs only wouldnt be fun.

Especially given the Gr7 was never an issue

Iran Iraq would be fun ngl, if you think about it, chieftains, pattons, cobras, T-62s, type 69s are the thing you would see in a GRB match. Air wise sure tomcats exist and even after them there are MF1s, but everything else felt balanced.

How many CM does it have internally?

60, at least, thats what the Gr7 has internally

Yeah, that would be an issue, the AV-8B has 180 I believe, BOL seems reasonable here, it is an attacker after all, if the A-10A can be decked out in CMs, I don’t see why this couldn’t too

mate …
OpFor Chieftain mocked up as a T-80BV.


Yeah, AV-8B(NA) and A-10C both operate with decent CM counts at the exact same BR. 2 or 4 BOL should be fine.

A-10C with all-aspect MAWS + 480 CMs
AV-8B(NA) with 180 CMs
Su-39 with IRCM + 192 CMs

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A modern one.
AJAX, Boxer CT40, Warrior CSP

oh, you mean AFVs … I thought specifically meant a Light tank.
( I was thinking Scorpion or Scorpion 90)
anyways, CSP before the other 2, imho.

More dressed up Chieftains :

and dressed up centurions:


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Badger before Boxer
CSP before Ajax
CSP before Badger

You missed the best british light tank ever;




Soviets put more effort on that than Russians did with the Leo 2 vismod: