Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Hm, I was thinking to myself “oh god if they are rushing out blogs now, are we seeing a insta patch release?” xD

TWS mode is locking ground targets for some reason. Is this a new bug?

On which radar(s)

I was using F-16C

Hmm… I was wondering it was Gaijin trialing a combined A2A/A2G radar mode if it was an AESA radar, but that sounds more like a bug

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Not happening witht the Typhoons radar but I hope we get GMTI back this update

I has more flares bro

and the E get’s AGM-130

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Probably Wednesday since dev closes tomorrow no?

im comparing air to air performance but anyway 6x AGM-65D is better than 2x AGM-130
AGM-130 would be nice of it had it it’s MITL but without it it’s not anything special

F-15I has 50% more countermeausres

You could also argue that 240 or 360 countermeasures doesn’t make a huge difference since 240 is already plenty.

They are pretty much sidegrades, one is slightly better at A2G while the other is ever so slightly better

But I know the whole “something something US suffers” thing by now so no need to repeat it.

E has 240, I has 240 + 120

240 is so much countermeasures, there is no way in hell you will run out in either of those planes, unless you panic so much you send like 60 flares vs 1 ir missile

you underestimate me

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Thats why we need big maps with cool bvr fights and realistic mp so it force ppl to learn bvr

Meanwhile with BOL



Finally :) this is much better now



Why is the missile still following me!



Yes this is a sentence you stupid thing

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It would help the smaller CM counts on some modern aircraft too

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