I’m going to right now
Mmm a full turret basket… might have to grab it when it goes on discount just for that alone
I might as well search up a civilian/museum/movie tree, since top gear does have a challenged and there is like a reserve tank in tankfest last time it might as well be a full tree 1.0 to 12.0 lol
we expecting more blogs today or is that it?
Fake AF
They can only solve that by adding Pakistani vehicles as a 5th column and moving any export MBT VT etc etc there so the Taiwanese line can flow uninterrupted
Again, the armor only gives you more room for mistakes when facing an idiot. I can’t remember the last time a T-90M caused me any trouble. Hell I don’t remember the last time it took me more than 2 shots in total to kill one (excluding when semi blind firing through smoke).
I generally don’t really respect T-90Ms that much when I meet them in game, because they have such easy drawbacks to explore.
Taiwanese vehicles should be combined with Pakistani since they are both US-based designs. They should squeeze together so more mainland designs including export vehicles come to the TT.
Man I wish Gaijin would give the UK a light tank
Depends on what round you have. L26 and L27A1 can be absorbed by the T-90Ms Relikt side armour.
DM-33 from a 105 on say the Rooikat or VFM5 wont penetrate the armour
If you can hit the T-90M in the lower front plate or the angled roadwheel shot you usually OHK it.
I find this update insane in terms of vehicles. Seems like half of all vehicles are premium or squadron (excluding naval). This isnt a new thing either with many premium vehicles in the last 5-6 updates aswell. Instead of simply rotating premiums they introduce more and more and use fomo tactics
I really want to see more Chinese own vehicle on technology tree
Having a premium rotation would definitely be better than just hiding premiums just so they can be brought back for limited periods of time. It would still be FOMO tho
Funny enough they say that they rotate premiums but then these vehicles only come back for one special day being really overpriced
Well, they kinda do, some pack premiums got turned into “permanently” available GE premiums
Did 2 blogs just go up?
This is rare isnt it? Not usually see 2 at once?
Depends? Seems like as of recently (as in last 2 updates) it does happen occassionally
after the dev server I think they usually just start releasing dev-blogs as and when they are ready rather than on any kind of schedule like they do pre-teaser
With the pace Gaijin is putting up those dev blogs, guess we will see the patch drop next week