There are multiple other versions of the Revenge Class possible without Sovereign. Rodney and Warspite are far more significant additions.
Is South Africa getting a SAM this year?
e.g. Cactus Crotale, SAHV-3 and Starstreak carriers
I mentioned the R-class but I more meant for the Conti De Caviour as its Italy’s top battleship at the moment and only leaves italy with at most 5 more battleships (assuming we get both Andrea Doria and the 3 Littorio sisters)
I hope there will be soon as many of us are starting to feel the choking effect it causing.
Like we have,
South Africa,
That’s 7 subs and our playable is 10, I hope to see some solutions soon especially if we are getting more down the line.
the worst part is only SA is actually “unique”
What news on the heavy sam or removing top tier jets from ground
yeah that wont happen lol
Well subs don’t have to be unique, their goal is to be represented in away without adding a new nation that hasn’t got enough vehicles to fill some BR brackets.
Yeah it should happen i agree it wont but it should if they have no plans on heavy sam systems this update
still it does get a little repetitive when every single tree is just the same vics
I dont agree that they should be removed, I do think things like the KH-38MT should be removed due to there being no counters
Hopefully the Devs can start looking at planes for that soon then.
As of right now, all people want to see, their tech. leading to both host and sub-tree people fighting over additions due to the lack of space, mixed in with the “only would be added if needed” leaving people who want to use those nations disappointed said favourite peace of tech used by them didn’t come.
There are no counters to plenty of ordance used by the top tier jets the kh–38mt doesnt seem to be unique in that
That’s why they add missile Iowa to tank Granits for the team
This wont be the case. As proven recently by the Tracked Rapier, which we always said was coming regardless of any Indian SPAA additions. Sub trees do not block domestic additions.
The arguments of people fighting with each other are not based on anything we have said, but peoples own disagreements or interpretations of personal opinion on what they want / do not want to see in a tree.
Is there any plan to protect ground from more advance jets?
We detailed this in our plans for this year:
So how come the Fi nish F18 wasnt given A2G, you’ve given the SAAF gripen preferable treatment when the A model came in yet you ignore it for the F18? Its almost like you guys fully expect to skip the MLU 1 and just go to the 2 so sweden is stuck with no equivalent CAS. Additionally another 400k rp sink which isn’t foldered because the tree is too small and you’re running out of ideas. It just seems like a constant kick to the teeth with the choices given to the Nordic air tree.
I might be getting things mixed up so apologizes in advanced here but wasn’t a few weeks ago when you said rank V for aviation for Britain was full I.e 13 vehicles is the max.
So with those 2 SPAA’s being Indian doesn’t that same logic applies to ground too ?
Yeah so will it be with the f-18 update or will we just have to wait as it gets worse and worse before heavy sams get in the game ? How long is close how long is testing.