So anyone know if japan gets anything ground related ?
I’m stealing this
Add on the part about classified docs too
I think Royal Oak in 1939 layout would be a fine premium to give britain an R class.
HMS LeBron
here me out
weaponized Cessna combat
That’s not correct. It was explained why it is not possible to have HMS Sovereign.
Bluewater named vessels across the game follow the same rule of one named ship cannot be in different research trees. Hence why it cannot be HMS Sovereign. Rodney was coming in the previous major and HMS Warspite in this one.
We need these on the PC and Console version of the game
@Smin1080p_WT Two questions, which will be held in a friendly manner.
Will the dev have a plan to rework how sub nations/trees are implemented into the game as it was mentioned in the dev notes that we would naturally see more.
How come this update is so small I mean we usually have November updates that are bigger than this.
I mean to be fair the 1st update of the year is usually quite small - especially relative to the December patch.
I believe that we should not get Royal Oak as our R-class, as it would be better to keep capability parity with Arkhangelsk (Royal Sovereign) in the RU tree, which is in her 44’ fit.
Giving the UK TT something like Ramillies which saw the mid-war minor AA refits like the Royal Sovereign did would be best.
At the moment, F/A-18A is not receiving AIM-7P but F/M.
Currently there are no plans to add it for F-14B, as its not clear it receives any datalink with its radar the way it does with F/A-18. If that can however be proven otherwise however, a new suggestion can be made: Community Bug Reporting System
Right now however, if added to the F-14B, it would be functionally no different to the AIM-7M.
Idk its an old picture
Anyword on further SHar/harrier stuff that is WIP like EEGS, IR sig reduction or sooty exhaust removal?
Currently there are no such plans.
This update is not small by any means and is around the average size of most majors. Conversely, the last couple of updates were just large. This update is already larger than Kings of Battle and Aerial Superiority. So im not sure by what metric its judged to be “small” other than a basic flat comparison of the number of vehicles with the previous couple of majors.
Is there any particular reason why this is the case? The F/A-18C Early and F/A-18A both have access to the AN/APG-65Q radar. Is there some difference between the avionics suite that causes these two planes to have access to different radar missiles?
so because russia lacks ships this has permanently locked us out of a ship, and even more so the Italians locking them out of 1 of 3 of the Conti De Caviour class. (I doubt we will see Leonardo da Vinci)
which is a massive shame for italy as the Giulio Cesare is arguably the more famous of the 2 sister ships, but we will never see her in italian colours now
Final HUD corrections for the Sea Harriers and also MAWS corrections for GR.7 are currently being worked on.
But does that include EEGS for the Sea Harrier FRS1?
Would make sense to come with the finalised HUD
IR Signature reduction is a bigger issue, but would be good to get the ball rolling on that using the F-117’s code. Espeically with the increase in thrust and therefore increase in “temp” this update.
Sooty exhaust should be easy to remove and the report is 9 months old now