Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

WTM from what I undestand is far more arcadey. So not that big of a surprise. I think ASMs in WT are a recipe for disaster

we already have things that could work like that with the Bravy but they aren’t like super strong especially vs anything bigger then a destroyer

yeah, the Volna I believe could also be used as an impromptu AShM

I believe most naval anti-air missiles can be used as AShM with varying degrees of success


they also have IRIS-T

When is this taken? Im sure there wasnt a destroyer here when I was last in portsmouth

I really don’t care where my nations stuff goes as long as it isn’t premium/event

Is it just me or the F/A-18C’s FM was nerfed?

Shes been in Chatham’s No.2 Dry-dock since 1999.

Hi @Smin1080p_WT

I was wondering if there was any information regarding the F/A-18A and/or F-14B receiving their AIM-7Ps. Considering both planes have DL channels, I imagine both are capable of using them.

Not to mention AIM-7Ps are a direct upgrade over the AIM-7Ms currently present on those aircraft. The F/A-18C Early (an $80 USD premium) getting AIM-7Ps but the F/A-18A and F-14B thusfar not receiving them raises some eyebrows.

There are numerous threads regarding the F/A-18C Early receiving 9Ms and going to 13.0, the F/A-18A getting 7Ps, the F-14B getting 7Ps, etc.

Here are a few threads

(POLL) AIM-9M for F/A-18C Early
F14A Should get AIM-9L and F14B should get AIM-9M,AIM-7P from now
Give TT F/A18a the 7p aswell
F/A-18A and AIM-7P(lack of)


I suppose that is one way to fix the issue :/

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F-14A IRSTS capabilites tomcat could to

F-14 IRST isn’t modeled in game though, is it?

should be

Afaik the F-14D is the only F-14 with IRST. There’s a difference between TISEO (what the F-14B currently has modeled) and the IRST on the F-14D.

That manual is for the F-14A and seems to be pretty old as it’s referring to AIM-54A, AIM-7E, and AIM-9G

with a bit of research, it’s probably talking about some of the early F-14A variants that had an IRST pod.

So not modeled in game xD

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Anyways, the “fix” of you can launch radar missiles through IRST, but only when you don’t want to, is a really weird way about it

We tried to get that done, basically what the germans did with that french scout car but we were told to bog off

still should be add the pod then

It wasn’t an optional extra, it was built into some of the early F-14A, there were a bunch of non-standard variants of it, the one we have in game doesn’t get it, so unless we get the D, or another version of the A, it shouldn’t