Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Im on the fence whether or not I can be bothered.

Just gonna neglect that everything besides the A-10s in the attacker line are all naval aircraft from the A-4B onwards?

There’s certainly a claim to be made for legacy Hornets being placed in the attacker line since their initial use was replacing the navy’s A-6s and other strike aircraft.

Nobody plays CAS in naval anyways, if anything just get the invincible in your lineup and dont play it. The point of 6.0 is you have a good shot at downtier, all 4 games I played today are 6.3 or 6.0.

Well I said nobody does CAS in naval my first invincible game was killed by a SC1000

my friend really loves the Walleye series of bomb and I told him the Walleye 2 is finally being added lol

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Damn, I thought it was just another red faction game. I’m going to try it out, maybe I can get some Israeli spaa there.

Why 6.0 though and not a pure 5.7 line-up where you 100% cannot see the Scharnhorst people will be spamming for the easy grind?

Im back, Does the Harrier GR.9 and T.10 get HMD (i read somewhere its the same system as the tornado GR4 (which itself was from a jaguar project))

Questiom; which AIM-9 variant is this? Used by F/A-18A. I am wondering which armament F/A-18A will have, at 12.7.

Probably the upcoming AIM-7P- but what about AIM-9?

no more than the UKs government is independent of the king. Id honestly say less as the Canadian Governor General is still appointed by King Charles the third, who is also Canadas Head of state just as he is of my country

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Harrier Gr9A does gets the same as the Jaguar Gr3A and Tornado Gr4.

T10, no idea

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Perfect, thank you :)

I will doubt the trainers got the HMS because iirc, they basically stole them from the GR3A when they were retired in 2007 and there werent many of them. or something along those lines

Uptiers are pretty rare in 6.0 which is surprising, I havent seen even 6.7 yet, granted the sample size was 4 games. Plus I hate atlantas id rather have a ship which is invulnerable to 5in.

Isn’t it all ceremonial and for the sake of tradition though?

I didnt see any leaks containing these, am I missing smth

I’m just happy to see more Italian weapons, hopefully Folgore equipped R3 and Ferrari will come soon as well.
Firos-6 is going to be something unique for sure.

Fair enough, might give that a try. My usual ships at the moment are Belfast/Tiger/London or Rodney/Hood/Barham/Renown

Looks like either the AIM-9J or the AIM-9P (possibly the AIM-9P-4)

The F/A-18As used by the USN used the AIM-9G/H and AIM-9Ls. I think they can technically use AIM-9Ms, but we shouldn’t expect the base model F/A-18A to get 9Ms. The A+ could for sure though.