Yeah… not to forget, Japan and Israel only have F-15’s…
With Japan not even having AGM’s, only 4 on the C&P Swedish gripen with a Thai skin.
Both the Hornets in the trailer were Cs, just a Gulf War one, and a AMRAAM one for the Marines, potentially with AESA though obviously can’t tell that from the trailer
Because the US got its 14.0 aircraft the update before and last update was one of the first in 2-3 years where the US didnt get anything
But EFT is underperforming a lot and is barely usable
Or that the only nation to counter that long range CAS is the nation who gets all the CAS (Russia).
Even then we might not see it till a second dev or dev update. But i hope they at least mention it.
Japan probably gets a C&P low tier Thai vehicle and a 3.3 Bluewater boat.
Wow bro for a single update US received nothing! How did you cope?
Can we count how many US aircraft were added compared to other nations…
Do you have something to share for Japan and Italy?
AV-8B(NA) equivalent
Here, you get another vehicle…
And you wonder why people post memes about british mains being whiners
The legacy one with the real skin looked like it would be a premium/squadron vehicle
Noooo whyyyyyy, the twin seat harriers are almost unbearable to look at lmao. Any ideas on load outs?
Very optimistic today…
It will be coastal top tier, have fun never playing it
Everyone whines, just Gaijin cares what US and Russian mains think. Or do you forget the tears when the Israeli F-15 was the only one that was going to receive the uprated engines? Lots of whining then
Id actually rather the fa18 thai, but im cool with more trainers
Feel bad knowing the the jap mains are gonna feel even more crushed by this tho
So- what do we know about F/A-18C Late from the trailer? Experts?
I wierdly really like the look of them
They were both legacy ones with real skins.