It’s coming
Won’t be the first time Gaijin powercreeps a gamemode with a single vehicle with no counterpart
Hell, it won’t even be the first time Gaijin does that with Naval
Nor is the Harrier T Mk.10
same but at the rate we are going I dont think we will actually get to enjoy her when every battleship in the game can meet one another (which is insane)
the F15 is still a monster, its just a much older dog with semi new tricks in comparison
what a surprise the last time they did this was with another paper russian ship
Submarines are finally being added?
Yeah. HMS Agincourt next I guess after Warspite
Better come with unique voincelines
The thursday is inopt! Damage control to thursday!
It might be decent if it has good speed and trigger radius.
I meant the warspite but yeah (also she is an interwar ship not pre ww1 lol)
When talking about Project 23 battleship, what people overlook is that actually Soviet navy in 1930s got lots of support from other nation’s navy on technology side.
Royal Navy gives their new 6’’ gun design, which eventually lead to 6’’ gun we could see in game, and anti-torpedo system they develop because they want Soviet Navy to keep in check Kriegsmarine.
On other hand, Kriegsmarine also gives their rangefinder and propulsion technology to USSR navy because they want USSR navy to not bother them.
France gives their study about 16’’ gun on same reason as Royal Navy
Italy, which is funniest, gives FCS and Pugleise system to earn money, as Italy itself has short of naval budget and dockyard.
It doesnt have proxy, no?
I don’t know how a non-proxy missile should work out at 10.7 though.
I do hope it has one.
Yeah, I like the way the air force is going with them
Upgraded with glass cockpit and FBW as well as 2 outboard wing stations (for F-15EX) and avionics that dare I say match or beat the F-35’s in some areas (F-15E and F-15EX)
Hmm… Not like there is any other 10.3/10.7 SAM system without prox fuse
but I think it does.
Later versions of the missile got a proxy fuse and range up to like 8km
So F18 to 14.0 interesting…
So is the F/A-18 going to be in the strike line like Smin confirmed a couple years ago?
no swiss and Australia F/A-18?
but Finland? WHAT?
Do you know what it’s trigger radius should be by any chance ?