Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

No, they would still pose a serious threat.

Advanced eagles are F-15 anyways

Actually quite debatable, as one of Tirpitz’s gunnery exercie makes ‘slightly’ little record. Doesn’t mean that BL Mk.1 is poorly accurate, but debatable on being ‘most accurate’

I might said about that thing on another thread, but Royal Soverign’s turret was already locked in 1943 during refit in US naval dockyard. Royal Navy just sent it to Soviet Navy untouched.

there are multiple versions of the BMPT so eh? (also whats the bets the BMPTs armour will be fine but the Israel IFVs still have worse armour then the Merkeva)

Royal Sovereign to US /s

Royal in an American ship would be pretty silly, imagine SSBN-IDKwhat USS George Washington I the Founder :V

Lot’s of Royal Navy battleships went to US naval dockyard to repair, as Britain has short of it’s dockyard. Even Warspite coming this update is version after she got repair in Puget Naval Dockyard :)

“russian Iowa”
It’s a more armored Littorio with 406mm guns
It’s going to be the new top dog, but far from unkillable, espacially with part of the magazines above water, from what i understand

Since the soviets doesnt know how pugleisei work it might as well be worse armored
Edit: idk how it works as well

Also they were vulnerable to Luftwaffe raids

Wild to see Soyuz may be coming. And it looks like there will be a rework of Coastal reserves? What’s up with that? It could be positive, Coastal is in dire need of progression rework.

I’ll update my list once we get the dev stream tomorrow.

yeah that wont stop gaijin giving it fantasy stats that the russian engineers came up with to make stalin happy

mistyped the number, new kwyboard and im still getting used to mechanical switches. Genuinley doubt a fully capable Eurofighter would be too afraid, Towed decoys will negate aim 120s every time

They know how it worked as Italian technicians transfer their technology. Meamwhile they also got traditional anti-torpedo technique from US and UK engineers.

There are their test record of Pugleise and traditional anti-torpedo bulge done by USSR navy, and after that, USSR navy decide to apply both method to Sovetsky Soyuz. Pugeleise is applied on magaizine part, traditional anti-torpedo bulge is applied on engine part.

I really hope the Soyuz isnt coming it far to early for it, it really should be comming with things like HMS Lion, USS Iowa, H39 ships of equal power not a ww2 refit of a ship from pre WW1


I got like what, 50k RP over 4 decent 6.0 games(invincible was talismaned), and 2k RP over one 2.3 coastal game with 8 kills and playing til the end, something is wrong here

  1. Fair enough, it happens
  2. AIM-120D, Legion Pod, and EPAWSS are things that could counter a towed decoy.

The F-15 has its own tricks too :)

Russia getting an uparmored and upgunned Littorio on steroids before Italy gets their actual Littorio doesn’t sound any less funny to be fair xDDD


I still want HMS KGV

Soyuz with nukowa!

Okay, one last comment on the olivia leak

The F-2 is not there :V