Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

if it doesnt have proxy and only has a 7km range it has to be at most 9.7

More leaks from olivia
I know the ATFLIR is for horners, but what are AN/AAS-38? Also isnt AIM-7P ARH?

the Swiss arent a sub tree yet, Finland is I dont get what is hard to understand about that, there also isnt a need for a swiss hornet anymore with the introduction of the EFT

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It’s not going to be mindblowing. It will be strong, probably the strongest ship in the game, but not by a massive margin. Mutsu and Rodney will be good competitors for it.

Finland was a nation that needed it more is really the only reason it came first

Bedish Swias is the only acceptable answer clearly

im not really that well versed, and the details might still classified since im pretty sure the missile is still in use. So i guess Gaijin might just give an average proxy distance

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again russian paper ship that I can almost guarantee will have bloated stats that will be near impossible to change, it should wait to come with things like Lion that is literally in the same boat as a paper ship from 1939 (1938 in lions case)

Without a proxy i don’t think it can be useful at all, unless the target is slow and close, then you might as well just have used a more versatile cannon spaa

7P is not arh


yet people think its gonna be 10.0 for some reason lol

It an early FLIR no laser designator

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You mean like StarStreaks on the Stormer HVM at 10.3?

Pls let Fiat 6614 (FIROS-6) be a squadron vehicle 🙏

What’s the hell is that thing even ?

the Stormers Missiles are some of the fastest in game, the Rapier wont be lol not to mention it wont have IRST and the missiles will have a lower G-load

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oh yess, and before that, some of us were using the AML-90 in top tier. Also, let’s not forget the fact that we had to wait 2 years longer than the rest of the nations to be able to launch scout drones.

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The star streak is pretty bad, but it works because of its incredible speed and turn rate, the rapiers wont have that

It’s the NITEHAWK pod, also for the Hornets. Likely the F/A-18As will get the NITEHAWK while the F/A-18C gets the ATFLIR.

From the info I have, the NITEHAWK will probably get gen 1 thermals in game and it has pretty meh zoom (roughly 6x-24x), while ATFLIR will likely get gen 2 or 3 thermals with better zoom (roughly 12x-100x).