atm its Ja37C at 11.3
Ja37D at 12.0
Ja37Di x 2 at 13.0
so yeah adding irccm to one would bring it very close to another EXCEPT the Ja37Di which should have Li anyway in which case RB72 is not needed
Ah ok. If they were just strategic with placement, they could add a dozen viggens to Sweden, but I guess they aren’t very good at that
same with the Gripen and now we wait and see with the F18
Aside from what shouldnt be on any swedish gripen and the SBDs the Jas39C is just what the A was irl
oh and HMD but that may have been fitted to A at a later date
There are 3 F-18 you guys could get right? One of which is ingame
Pre MLU, so the worst of the 3 options
I want them to stick to it though
Agreed, if they add worst version of a jet they might as well stick to it so later versions are more justified
I hope tomorrow we get a dev update with VT-5, BB-45, and, most importantly; Type 10’s steering fix (announced at last) and CORRECTED BASKETS for the Abrams and Leopard tanks. These should only be spawn protection, not a part of the traverse mechanisms.
Literally, if we are to add the MLU 1 it should come with Aim 9x to make it realistic or if we skip straight to MLU 2 should still be 9X and Amraam C
that way its realistic, cant really complain there, and adds variety to the versions
There are still differences between MLU 1 and MLU 2 that they could do without going crazy with the 9X (which would guarantee you won’t get it for a while). But yeah, maybe the final MLU could get them
Should also better model redundant systems on the Abrams, as well as DU ammunition advantages
The difference is essentially entirely Simulator battle related and and BOL
9X wont be for a while no unless they butcher it and add it early with equivalents
But im also opposed to the Swedish Jas39C being in the tree atm
Sweden is the home / present tree for Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark which can all just as easily fill any updates or gaps until then
Wdym? Like you think it straight up shouldn’t be in game?
Not at the moment no, its an unneeded grind for what the A should be anyway
we have two 13.0s, Jas39A and Ja37Di
If we just didnt do Jas39A when we did and instead did Ja37Di as a Rb71(B) and RB74M slinger then the Jas39A couldve come into the game accurately instead of a poor version thats missing its service entry equipment
So no 13.7? Or do you think the hornets should be moved down there too?
tbf the finnish F 18 should probably be 13.7 as it lacks HMD and the hornet isnt the worlds most amazing airframe, especially with its lack of speed
Aren’t very good and sweden air go together quite well
Agreed, the amraam hornet in general don’t really have what it takes to be 14.0
Also weaker engines
krydser fingre
yeah its really not the best around but im happy with how it is, if you dont like it then go complain to finland i guess
Is it possible the US one is on a higher engine trim than Finnish one?
Or just pure incompetence