Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

there are so many possibilities that i dont think we can exactly pin point or fix with how the bug reports go

Its not supposed to be weaker…but go figure with gaijin of course they’d give the nordic TT the middle finger at every interval

We got the Ja37Di TT because we cried enough lol

Yeah we shouldn’t have had to scream to begin with

Your balance is completely ruined by russian bias

Bussian Rias

Who don’t they give middle finger to at this point?

They add C early at same BR as F/A-18A when it is better in every way.

They have Paveway 4 on German and Italian typhoons, when 1. They never used them 2. They have LJDAM which does the same exact thing

I agree, it wouldve been better with what i said earlier but here we are
0 planes from 10.3 upwards that are true to history

You say that like most of the 1.0-10.0 jets/planes are even correct. Most have the wrong name (or spelling) or lack certain tools like fuel pods, napalm, armament, JATO ect ect. Gaijin has maybe a handful of correct vehicles. Lets not give praise to a group that can’t bother to read more than 10 words of the wiki.

A32A besides fuel pods is fine i think
J35D I think is wrong but i cannot prove it because i dont have the correct documents tho the cockpit is bugged a lot

J29 missing JATO and fuel pods, A21’s missing Napalm ect ect. Very basic examples, how about the T18 and B18’s missing CCRP? Oh wait thats right all that stuff was back when they promised to add Swedish targeting computers to the jets they removed tracers from for historical reasons and then after 3 years of nothing adding the tracers back.

Oh yeah, I was wondering why no dev server update, then I remembered it is the weekend lol.

T18s and what not dont have CCRP irl
They had a system which isnt in game but they are developing
Same with rocket CCRP

You forgot the A21 which has CCRP in game as a placeholder for those systems?

I swear they had just tried to restart it with a new body… I must be imagining things ig

yeah that i just dont know going to be honest

It’s ruined by Gaijins unwillingness to decompress and listen to feedback, not Russian bias.

Lad os ikke spilde tid på at rose en virksomhed, der ærligt talt ikke kunne være ligeglad med os

Lets just agree that saying only 10.3+ is a incredibly wrong statement when its the whole tree as a majority.

I think we can both agree the entire tree has been the most poorly handled when it comes to air.

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you can prolly say the same for ground too

How does/would it work?