dogfights are so back with new update
So US is not allowed to have tested armaments now? Doesnt the South African gripen have stuff it never used or even tested, and the Thai Alpha jet has gunpods never even acquired by Thai air force
Russia gets thermals on their T-80B, Israel gets mavericks on the F-15I when there is no proof they ever used them, hell, Japan gets a fully fictional F-16
But US can’t have stuff tested on its own jets?
Only reason gaijin adds them is if its for balancing
Remember gaijin could’ve added AIM 120 to the SAAF Gripen but they are stuck with R-Darter which imo is better for the positions you have to play the gripen. But prior to fix and 14.0’s it was the worst 13.7 gripen.
So unless the US has like a 10% win rate i don’t see them adding it unless its a full time use of Meteor and ASRAAM
I don’t think that’s ever been a requirement for addition
might be because it is restricted or something? but on the other hand gaijin did add the leaked APFSDS that was classified in china IF I recall correctly
I think you replied to the wrong person
3 words:
Rb72 and Rb73
Which is why i said unless the US just cant compete that is likely the only way to get it on US aircraft.
Again since it likely wont be worse i dont see them adding it.
Don’t know what that is but if it was tested, should be added
I’m guessing it won’t be too broken
RB 72 was better than RB 74
RB 73 was more just the motor being proper cool and was used as part of MBDA meteor
Both are on the early viggen
Nice, could be foldered ones at higher BR then, or event/squadron vehicles
We unfortunately have all but one Ja37 and theyre all ahistorical states
I get it, the Frankenstein stuff they do has gotten old. Would be nice if they just stuck to a variant.
Some of its for balancing like the RB 74 we have on the planes but thats not the version that sweden serviced but Aim 9 L/i seems rather strong for 12.0
Some of its just wrong like the Airbrakes on the Ja37s as theyre only welded shut with DL and RB74 equipped which notably the Ja37C has neither but also the Ja37C is 1993 after RB 74 was introduced and same with DL
They could always just fix that stuff and shift the BR. Then add in another around the same BR area to replace it
Ja37 number 6
no thanks
Are you telling me you don’t want a sixth JA37 with 400krp cost for a single modification difference at 13.0?
If they get added to current Ja37 then they would have to go up in BR no?
Its more so a joke about swedish air. The US gets plenty of aircraft that should be foldered. But the snail then sees Sweden and decides that logic basically doesnt apply. Again its the Bedish Swias everyone keeps talking about. Dimitris favorite nations gets better treatment in every aspect thats why they have the AHS ect ect snail jabber and incoherent cope.