Just came to second thought of it, it may be implemented with “inexperienced Taiwanese crew” resulting in its 7.1s aced reload rate :v
doubt it as when Arkhangelsk added, they didn’t.
Also, moderator confirms that they are working on revising accuracy according to real life test result, but having problem of gathering enough information.
na dont worry, I was looking forward to the Warspite and Strasbourg but those hopes have been dashed by the possibility of paper russian ship that will be better in every way then the ships at its BR
I know you’re probably joking but in the files Arkhangelsk guns are 1:1 copies of other UK 15 inch guns, with identical dispersion. No “special soviet accuracy” here.
Well, I’m not excited about this update,
This thing makes it so I'm not comply untintreesed
At least I don’t hate it(but that’s not exactly a high bar after some updates of last year)
Soviets massively improved them with their extremely thorough maintanance
Comrade stalin has a part time job after his retirement as pe8 tail gunner
Advanced eagles could give typhoons and Rafales hell
I don’t understand it
They have same accuracy on data. He’s gaslighting you.
Same. Remember the last update, I was actually looking forward to Colorado?
How can I be hyped about Colorado now, when Russian Iowa with most likely comically optimistic characteristics is going to overshadow it from minute one…?
This is good news, thank you. Playing Naval is excruciating right now, since these guns have worse accuracy than funfair shotguns. I hope these fixes come this update.
Ideally, they will also finally remove the artificial shell room survivability nerf they admitted to know to be unrealistic. Otherwise, Colorado will still blow up with extreme ease for having a weakness it did not have in real life.
Yeah developers know data about British 15’'. But not ALL guns. Their goal is currently changing ‘every’ gun’s data. That’s why it’s delaying
If Su-27 is so much better, why is it at the same BR as the US plane it was made to beat?
I genuinely believe that Gaijin used gunnery reports from the Arkanglesk for the 15" guns. The guns that were locked into position and was crewed with Russians that couldn’t maintain a turret.
Accuratley modelled typhoons and rafales wouldnt even care about the F18
Well at least we know the BL Mk.1 is the single most accurate interwar 10in+ gun, so thats a start, it should be the single most accurate gun then
Shell rooms not being nuclear powder kegs? That’s too tall an ask. - Snail
It’s justified, we all watched the last few updates and said “well maybe they added enough aircraft to justify a ground or naval update”
its gonna be like the last soviet paper ship that was added, with optimistic stats based on totally not made up russian tests. This will cause it to out preform every ship at its BR but gaijin wont decompress battleships and wont nerf it with out sources (guess what you cant get for a paper ship?)
Wait so the 2S19 is TT/SQN?
Guess the BMPT is still the next event vehicle, tbf shame that a vehicle with such drip gets locked behind events