Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

It should be much, much better than the J-10A’s radar irl.

I’ve said it before: This update should have been the one I cared about the most, yet it ended up being the one I care about the least.

Like, I have a better opinion of this update than some last year, but it’s still “meh”.


I’m pretty happy with this update so far.
No Aussie/Canadian Hornet or Su-30MKI for Britain, no Swiss Hornet for Germany, a historically accurate Hornet for Finland (no CAS, coz early model), we finally get that item recycling mechanic, the new gun sounds are amazing and my favourite part, the Tracked Rapier gets added!


Hah. Then I hope people do good bug reports to increase 120’s overload to 40G. That would make it more relevant of the shorter ranges typical of mid-late matches. I get that good long range performance is cool and all, but when most matches end up on a convergence within 2 minutes, that’s where I would rather have a 50G missile capable of hitting targets practically at my 6 instead of “better long range performance”.

That 40G number probably stems from the fact that IRL missiles do more maneuvering than they do ingame lol, so dont get your hopes up

What isn’t there to like about this update? WW2 stuff got added, 3 nations got 14.0, TVC is in-game, naval damage rework, AOA limiter toggle, better radar controls, Chinese finally got their J-11B and PL-8B and Russians got their heavyweight and R-77-1. Navy additions, item recycling, tracked rapier, XM246 (muh spaa)

And best part (for me), the beloved F/A-18 hornet

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Also doesn’t help alot of stuff is either restricted, Classified or was released in such a manner it don’t show their actual, full capabilities

Yeah, you would of thought this being the first update of the year it would of been a banger, even a fully C&P sub tree would of peaked my interest lol

As a Ground Top Tier main, I was initially disappointed; but seeing those leaked VT-5s made me happy, hahah. I know it’s not much, but it’s the first new Rank VIII I will be able to go for since December 2023, so it’s a breath of fresh air.

Oh! And I was also VERY pleasantly surprised by the increased rewards of bots in Naval Battles. Inexistent rewards due to 90% of the matches being rewardless bots were what mostly kept me away from these; now that this problem is solved by rewarding their destruction, I am looking forward to coming back.

EDIT: in hindsight, my bar has dropped extremely low for me to be excited over these two things lmao. New effects, improved sounds and map reworks are nice, too. Maybe BB-45 depending on its implementation.

Is there anything else coming on this patch, I feel it’s a little lack luster at the moment

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Oh right, you guys got a SPAA as well, nice nice

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We all do now lol


Just waiting on the vigilante now lol

Yeah, 37mm rotary gun go brrrrrr sounds fun

Jesus christ, 3000rpm in AA mode? Those Americans love their dakka lol

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Like I only have two things I like about this update.

The Harry Hopikns which likely will go unplayed due to no 2.3 line-up(all my slots are full for 2.7), and I rarely go down there.

And from the Russian stream/Bvvd, that the UK(and Germany technically) getting a Hornet is not off the table for the future, which allows for hopuim to be drunk.

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Too bad it doesn’t have proxy fuse

Hi Everyone!!!

If I could please have some attention/help, I’m trying to convince gaijin to add a seperate TT variant of the new Netz aircraft, please Vote here and help bring this to gaijin’s attention:
(Otherwise the only vehicle Israel receives this update is an 80$ (mostly) copy paste premium).

Thank you for you’re time, have a wonderful day!


My interest list, as a air main this pains me


Eh, the rate of fire should be able to make up for that

I fricken love P2W packs

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